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Euc vs scooter av speed?


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Speeds are similar but i feel more stable on an euc. Not to mention your hands are free. I just rode my scooter and all my eucs yesterday. My top speed was fastest on the scooter, but it want nearly as smooth or stable. Scooter = 10" tires, euc = 18" tire.


Shameless plug of me riding my wheels and scooters back to back yesterday for shits and giggles.


Edited by ShanesPlanet
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1 hour ago, Unipilot69 said:

Don't need AVAS for the Sherman. With the knobby tire it sounds like a tie fighter. Should be able to scare j-walkers out of the street.

I love the sound, but it only gets rockin once you start really hustling. I wouldnt suspect people will hear your tire much before its too late. Just like in motorcycles, the majority of noise is behind you. What ever happened to good old fashioned yelling  "get the f**k out of my way!!!!!"

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16 hours ago, ShanesPlanet said:

Speeds are similar but i feel more stable on an euc. Not to mention your hands are free. I just rode my scooter and all my eucs yesterday. My top speed was fastest on the scooter, but it want nearly as smooth or stable. Scooter = 10" tires, euc = 18" tire.


Uhhh how is that possible? Unless you had a weak, cheap scooter. High tier scooters are far more stable and have far higher average speeds. Think dual motor, zero 10x, Dualtron thunder etc. Scooters have much better suspension then EUC ever will, and two points of contact with a handlebar allow you to go way faster over bumpy terrain.

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16 hours ago, P40lite said:


Not going to buy scooter anyway just wondering. Which is faster in real life urban driving if both cost about the same. Lets say 2k. Both are used for delievery. 

It’s extremely difficult if not impossible to keep up with a high end scooter on a group ride on an EUC, unless you’re in deep traffic. They can go max speed at all times on any typical terrain without worry. If you want a stress free commute on a PEV pick a scooter. 

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16 minutes ago, Darrell Wesh said:

Uhhh how is that possible? Unless you had a weak, cheap scooter. High tier scooters are far more stable and have far higher average speeds. Think dual motor, zero 10x, Dualtron thunder etc. Scooters have much better suspension then EUC ever will, and two points of contact with a handlebar allow you to go way faster over bumpy terrain.

wide open throttle on my dual motor scooter is 42mph. Wide open on my single motor 18l is 27mph. Only the sherm goes faster in my stable. 10" tires at 35mph are a finicky thing in compare to 35mph on an 18" tire. Of course mines not a 'pro' model scooter, but it IS in the $2k price range, just as the 18L im comparing it to. In an urban environment, perhaps its different than rural. I'll also get more range and less bulk and weight from the comparable euc. Altho I don't know how that fits an urban delivery environment. I also don't know how 'bumpy' most towns expecting deliveries are. Maybe it boils down more to rider skill, and Im defintely better on an euc. I DID just deliver a 50 gallon drum out of my creek, back to the hippies up stream about 1/2mile away. I carried it while on my mten. Im not sure how that would have gone if i tried on my scooter... just sayin'.

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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The fastest scooters will be faster than the fastest EUCs. If you ride in the city (stop and go), I think the speed difference is less pronounced and might not be noteworthy. But the scooter will probably still win on speed.

Scooters also have the advantage of being more comfortable in the sense that on EUCs, you are constantly balancing (sideways) and have to be attentive to the road ahead unless you want to eat dirt. A scooter might be more forgiving and allow for a bit of inattention now and then.

The advantage of EUCs is that you can easily maneuver everywhere and ride right to the doorstep of wherever you go. It's like walking, just faster. You can easily and quickly trolley the EUC with you inside of restaurants (or some other place you pick up deliveries from), takes one second to step off and extend the trolley handle. No need to park the scooter somewhere (locking it up too) like a bicycle.

So if this seamlessness and maneuverability counts more for you than the riding speed (in terms of saving time or being overall more efficient), consider a EUC. Otherwise the scooter might be the better idea overall.

There's plenty of Youtube videos of people doing deliveries on EUCs, check out the environments they work in. Often it's narrow, crowded streets where they pick their stuff up or deliver it, so the pure riding counts combarably less than what happens at the start and end of a route. If it's just about the pure moving-in-a-straight-line, the faster scooter will probably be better.

So the devil is in the details of your potential delivery routes.

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I do know that even if you can carry a 50 gallon drum easily while riding an euc, don't try to throw the barrel over a fence on the way by. Trust me, the insane shift in weight from throwing a large object, is a little bit much when standing on a moving euc. Luckily my euc's are used to the abuse (specially the mten), so twas a fairly free lesson for me anyhow.

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6 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

The fastest scooters will be faster than the fastest EUCs. If you ride in the city (stop and go), I think the speed difference is less pronounced and might not be noteworthy. But the scooter will probably still win on speed.

Scooters also have the advantage of being more comfortable in the sense that on EUCs, you are constantly balancing (sideways) and have to be attentive to the road ahead unless you want to eat dirt. A scooter might be more forgiving and allow for a bit of inattention now and then.

The advantage of EUCs is that you can easily maneuver everywhere and ride right to the doorstep of wherever you go. It's like walking, just faster. You can easily and quickly trolley the EUC with you inside of restaurants (or some other place you pick up deliveries from), takes one second to step off and extend the trolley handle. No need to park the scooter somewhere (locking it up too) like a bicycle.

So if this seamlessness and maneuverability counts more for you than the riding speed (in terms of saving time or being overall more efficient), consider a EUC. Otherwise the scooter might be the better idea overall.

There's plenty of Youtube videos of people doing deliveries on EUCs, check out the environments they work in. Often it's narrow, crowded streets where they pick their stuff up or deliver it, so the pure riding counts combarably less than what happens at the start and end of a route. If it's just about the pure moving-in-a-straight-line, the faster scooter will probably be better.

So the devil is in the details of your potential delivery routes.

What an informative comment. EUC is definetely the winner here overall. We did'nt even talk about the fun factor. Im sure powerful scooter is cool but doesn't compete with EUC. It's still a scooter.

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4 hours ago, P40lite said:

What an informative comment. EUC is definetely the winner here overall. We did'nt even talk about the fun factor. Im sure powerful scooter is cool but doesn't compete with EUC. It's still a scooter.

Something with 2+ wheels will always be more forgiving and "safe" than a EUC. A EUC will be extremely versatile and unobtrusive, but you need to be attentive all the time while riding. I think that's the most important distinction.

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