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Dbot not connecting

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Option 1: it's your phone. Can you try some other phone, with DarknessBot or the Gotway app on iPhone, or EUC World, Wheellog, Gotway app on Android? A friend's phone maybe? You'll see quickly if it connects or not.

Option 2: it's the wheel. Most likely your Bluetooth module stopped working then. These can be exchanged relatively easily. You can ask your seller about it, and maybe you still have some warranty?

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Thanks meepmeepmayer and null for your replies.

I can connect with the Gotway app just fine, and I can turn on the lights and strobe from Darknessbot but can't turn them off.  All other features just circle and circle without connecting.  Weird.

Not sure what you mean by "double click the home button".  Would that be on the app or my phone?  Not very savvy about these things.

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Don't know if my experience relates to this particular issue but I use android & being that android sports multiple flavors with multiple mfgrs, its alot less uniform than what's found on iOS. On my current phone (currently an inexpensive Umidigi F2 china phone), I need to reboot the phone every so often or otherwise, BT has pairing issues.

A quick reboot/restart seems to solve it on my phone at least. So @null is correct, try the easiest solution first before cooking brain cells looking for phantom bugs.

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I've tried the shut down and phone reboot, and turning the wheel off and on while using the app, but still no connecting with most features other than lights.

If I try to delete and reinstall the app, will I lose my mileage reading?  Is there a reason I could have missed an update?

Not a deal breaker.  I can still use the wheel, it's just nice to be able to track miles and battery percentage especially.

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