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Buying used V8 inmotion


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Hello everyone
I have never had a unicycle before and i’m interested in buying one , i have someone wants to sold his inmotion v8 used with some scratches and cosmetic damage but it works good for 500$
My questions are

  1. How can i tell that the battery is in good condition?
  2. How can i know that this unicycle worth the money?
  3. Can i know if it had problems before and got fixed?
  4. How can i know that the battery was not replaced with a bad one?
    Please any other tips for buying used unicycle i would be thankful if you mention it
  5. it haves 600.00 km on it
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1.  Charges to full capacity

2.  Look at the overall condition of the wheel.   Check how much tire tread is on the wheel, if it turns on/off correctly,  if the wheel balances and rides comfortably near top speed.

3.  I would ask the seller if they ever did work on it or sent it to the manufacturer to get fixed. 

4.  The seller should honestly inform you if there ever was a battery replacement done.  If not, you would have to open the wheel and inspect the battery, wires, surrounding parts yourself.

5.  I have purchased 2 used wheels with over 1,000 miles on each of them.  I ride them daily to work for years changing only the inner tube and an outer shell from early learning crashes. 

Inmotion V8 is a good starter wheel.  500 is not a bad price.  I would ask for a price drop and take a chance on passing it up if its condition concerns you.

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7 hours ago, null said:

Welcome, EUCs are great fun.

Quick run through:

1- charges to 100% (84v) and stays there (can drop a couple of % in hours)
2- depends of price new vs this condition. 600km is nothing but if it’s been in storage for a long time that’s bad for the battery.
3- not really except by disassembling to look for dirty repair, if it works if should be fine.
4- if it charges correctly it should be fine, there are no off brand batteries for inmotion (afaik)

Tip for buying: mostly the battery, the rest is wear you can mostly see. Get a purchase date to have an idea of age. More than a couple of years is a bit much for that price.

good luck, have fun.

Thank you for your replay , i noticed there is another option i have solowheel with few miles for 650$

may i know why its written on the case solowheel? Not inmotion? Is that mean its older than the ones that have inmotion on the shell? 

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1 hour ago, Ayman said:

Thank you for your replay , i noticed there is another option i have solowheel with few miles for 650$

may i know why its written on the case solowheel? Not inmotion? Is that mean its older than the ones that have inmotion on the shell? 

As far as i understand it, the solowheel glide 3 and the inmotion v8 are the exact same wheel.  Its just a branding difference.  Here is a story detailing the exact relationship between inmotion and solowheel https://www.myinmotion.com/blogs/news/the-story-behind-inmotion-and-solowheel

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If it stops charging around 4/5 bars it's bad.

If it charges from 2 to 4 bars very fast it's bad. 

I know that slow and fast are relative terms so it might not be helpful to you. 

Assuming a stock charger: Normally charging from 2 to 4 should take at least 40min or more maybe 60min. Then from 4 to 5 bars it should take no longer than 30min.

When you have a deteriorating battery it charges fast to 3-4 bars and/or takes hours/days to charge higher.

As for checking the wheel, listen for noise. Try to wobble the motor sideways and check for play. There shouldn't be any. Go up a steeper incline very slowly (slower than walking speed) and feel if the motor stutters. If it does it has a dead torque spot (damage).

Edited by alcatraz
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Inmotion V8 = Solowheel Glide 3

Inmotion V5F = Solowheel Glide 2

The charge ports are different, so the chargers don't match, but I think that's about the extent of the differences.

$650 is too much for a used V8 in my opinion. Usually they go for about 500, a bit more if in excellent condition. And yes, "Solowheel" would mean it (aka the battery, the rest doesn't age by sitting) might be a bit older and sat for a while.

As for charging, use an app to see the exact voltage, don't just go by some bars. Should be very close to or slightly over 84V.

Edited by meepmeepmayer
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