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The EUC forum dreams up their own manufacturer


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47 minutes ago, travsformation said:

I agree a Western-based EUC MF would be awesome, I'd definitely be willing to throw some money at it if someone were up to giving it a try. But as others have pointed out, the cost would probably be prohibitive.

Since that's unlikely, as consumers, all we can do is demand higher quality standards from current MFs, I don't see what's wrong with that...

Then again, I get the impression this thread is less about a genuine desire to see a Western MF and more about a dislike of people with electronics and engineering backgrounds pointing out design flaws. I don't want to start the age-old US vs. Europe debate, but since you mentioned Europe in your first post, I think it's worth noting that there might cultural differences there worth taking into account too. Consumers are brought up to be very selective from a young age (go to this baker, not that one, their bread is better/fresher/whatnot), and perhaps that leads to greater consumer expectations, a greater sense of "corporate accountability" and even a sense of entitlement that, I can understand, can be perceived as pedantic and know-it-all.

But context is all. When, post WW2, the US was amidst one of the periods of greatest economic growth and prosperity in its history, Europe was desolate, struggling to rebuild and poverty-ridden. Attitudes born from decades of hardship become ingrained in people's attitude and carry over to the next generations, so in periods of prosperity, when people can afford to buy nice things and quality consumer goods, they expect them to be top-notch and reliable, not the cheap disposable junk they had to settle for in tougher years or have taught their offspring to stay clear of. They want what they pay for, and if they pay 3K for an EUC, they expect it not to burn under stress; and if they're knowledgeable in the field and are educated enough to detect the flaws behind such mishaps, they'll be quick to point them out. 

Just for context, Europeans are equally critical with domestic brands, MFs, even small commerces, whether it's restaurants, hotels, butchers, etc. It's ingrained in the culture. 

Those differences are what makes this global forum what it is. They often create clashes, but a lot can be learned from them. We learn from each other, keep each other in check...it strikes a nice balance if handled properly. I, for instance, have always been very pro-regulation in terms of governments keeping corporations in check. In some cases I still am, but in others, this forum has broadened my perspective and I can see how over-regulation can cripple emerging technologies, including PLEVs. Same goes for a lot of other things where I'm starting to prefer the American approach.

If we all thought the same, what fun would this forum be? :)

And when disagreements don't yield anything productive, what can you do about it? Live and let live :)

Note: the above is a gross generalization and I'm no historian or sociologist, these are just observations of mine as an American who's grown up in Europe with a mixture of two clashing mindsets---the one I was taught at home and the one I encountered every time I stepped out the door, which has gradually also become my own. I enjoy the multi-perspective approach because it gives things a lot of nuance, but maybe to others it sounds like I'm just full of sh*t. And it may very well be the case. C'est la vie...

This thread is absolutely is about checking on interest for a different manufacturing source of these wheels. And the second part of your sentence isn’t exactly untrue however you worded it wrong. It’s not a dislike of people with electronics and engineering backgrounds pointing out design flaws. It’s me saying if you guys are going to do the same thing on every single new wheel (lol it’s true) that comes out and that is complain intensely as well as insult the MF about the exact same things then why don’t you guys do something about it.

The one guy had a great idea about build your own EUC. Then there would be absolutely nothing to complain about. You could pick your own board, batteries, frame, lighting, tire, wiring and pedals.  I think that’s a pretty genius idea. Do you have a better one? What if this company started in Europe or the United States was just based here and designed the parts and then ordered them from China? Then the final product could be assembled in Europe or the United States. Let’s face it this discussion is worth having because these things are going to grow in popularity and I’m sure will be used more and more in urban settings for commuting and more people in the suburbs and the country will use them for fun. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the goal of improving these things.

Edited by Patton250
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2 hours ago, Cychotic said:

Anyways, I am an EE.  If anyone want to collaborate on creating an open source controller, I would be happy to join the effort.

Hope you have seen this thread, don't know what happened to it.


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It's a hassle to change tires or fix punctures on an EUC, 

would love to hear opinions on how any design changes will make it easier.  

can you hold the axle securely with this design ? 



Open dropout used in bicycle forks possible ?



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