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I'm looking for damaged unicycles.


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Oh, we can discuss getting my gt16 off my hands. One blue shell, one red. One v1 motor one v2. One controller that _should_ be fine and a set of 858wh batteries where there seem to be a bms-problem and/or a bad cell. There's also some extras like pedals, lights, hall sensors and so on.

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Hi that is exacly i'm looking for

of course main question is price, i have friend in Sweden so there will be bo problem with payment and shipping he is living near by Stockholm.

Please send me some photos on mail go4it@o2.pl. And think about price.

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Great option but i'm from Poland and i think that shipping wont be cheap. And second question is price?

If you chceck shiping to Poland and if price will be good (people doesnt earn much in Poland) we can make a deal.


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There is another option for shipping i have family in Florida you can send package to them and they will send package to Poland, if you will be interested to sell your wheel i'll talk to them.

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Hey Scooter Man,

If you didn't sell the msx I am interested.

Also hit me up if you want to set up a ride. I'm less than an hour away.

Always looking for people to ride with.


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Also I’m always down to ride, I live on my Msx that works. But I’m becoming very frustrated on uploding these photos man. So I discovered it won’t let me choose file from camera roll when in private messenger but even when I begin to upload here on this post it says “ you only aloud to upload 3.13mb “ so I don’t know what to do 

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Simply send me mail from your mail account go4it@o2.pl i have 10mb upload in one message, or you can transfer photos to computer, resized it and than send, or (it wont work if you have iphone) you can change photo resolution.

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