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Gotway 16 - What do we know about it?


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Is there any information on the upcoming Gotway 16?   I'm looking toward my next EU purchase and I think I would like to stay with a 16" but want more speed, more battery (range) and more power wouldn't hurt either.  So a Gotway 16 should fit nicely.  Right now I am thinking the upcoming King Song 16 may be a good a choice.



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It'll be interesting to see which one wins the race to market!

I think I'll wait until they're both out and then it'll be a decision of one of each or two of one of them.

All this choice is getting confusing! :)

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Right with you guys.  I adore my KS 14C for everything that it is, but sometimes I would like to have an additional wheel that handles rough terrain a little better than a 14" can deliver.  If KS nails ergonomics like they did with the 14C, I am sold.  But I'm willing to consider Gotway if the pedals and features compare well to KS.  I mean, if the features are the same, then we may get to choose on looks alone, which is an awesome place to be at this stage of the game. :)

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I've said it before but right now it looks like my next EU will be either a KS16 or a Gotway 16 (because I think I would prefer to stay with a 16") unless I find a deal that I can't refuse on a Gotway 18 MSuper (HS or maybe MS) before then.

I've seen the picture of the KS16 and I like it more than the KS14 and KS18.  I saw a site with a picture of the Gotway 16 but I am not sure if it's real or not.  Of course, I don't have specs or prices of either.

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Thanks for the info. I don't suppose you have specs (official or unofficial)?  Or a picture of the GW 16?

I hope they don't suffer the same shipping delays that the KS14 800w 680Wh.


No specs.  I do know that the ks-16 will use the same 800w motor as the latest ks-14.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm very curious about what this will look like. Being disappointed with the recently leaked white KS 16" photo, I'm hoping that Gotway has a design that I can get onboard with...

If they can somehow offer it with a huge battery ala the msuper, that might be just the wheel I'll be getting next.

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