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  1. I'm still going with s2 turbo firm (26km/h) and it is working very well. Anyone is trying the turbo 30km/h?
  2. Keep calm guys and respect each other. From my point of view, both are trying to help our community in different ways. Imagine if you'll work together with the things that you'll archive. The open source is the best way to archive goals sharing ideas and knowledge. And for sure the donations are necessary. Sorry for the offtopic, but I'll have to say it.
  3. Thank you MaxMi for your point of view! It is very useful. I also wanna thank to @MRN76 for his work, people should pay for his work, he is working hard.
  4. Nice Job!! I have to say that I bought a key and I tested the version turbo on the S2 and until now it is working properly. The maximum speed is 26, is only 2km/h but the tilt back is delayed 3km/h. I can ride at 25km/h without tilt nor alerts. Before at 23 starts to tilt and alert sounds. Did anyone test the new version that allows reaching 30km/h?
  5. If I buy a license, will be a free upgrade for new firmware?
  6. As I understood, the speed increment is only 2 km/h? I thought that will be of 30 as the other firmware tool.
  7. Hi all, I'm really interested, I have a S2 and I have the same questions as Even Flow
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