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Tryptych last won the day on November 29 2020

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  1. The front handle on the Patton (batch #1) makes it very difficult to plug in the charger. Has anyone designed a better one? Got a link to a 3D file that I can print?
  2. I'm going to be doing maintenance on my Patton's suspension, replacing the seals and the oil. Two videos I've seen on YouTube say to use #5 oil, one video says to use #10 oil. Here are links to both: https://www.amazon.ca/FORK-OIL-5W-16-OZ/dp/B00BS13BWY/ https://www.amazon.ca/Maxima-55901-10WT-Standard-Hydraulic/dp/B000WK8XEI Does anyone know which oil is more appropriate for this job? Bonus points if you know why - will both work?
  3. My Patton is making an absolutely bizarre noise, it's a really high pitched squeal that seems to come from nowhere and makes your ears ring. It's not a normal bearing sound, but it has to be the bearings or something rubbing somewhere. I'm tearing it down later tonight. Assuming it's the bearings - I will first try to open the old bearings and replace the grease, as a quick fix. Most likely I will need to order new bearings sooner or later. Two questions: (1) Which bearings does the Patton use? Can you provide a link? (2) Which type of grease should I use if I'm adding more, Marine Grease? Thanks in advance
  4. I've got an old Master that decided to stop balancing tonight, it was ridden earlier in the day and was fine. When you power it on now it beeps twice, and then beeps four times. The display comes on, and everything seems normal, but it doesn't balance. Does anyone know what 2 beeps and then 4 beeps means?
  5. I am looking for E-Riders in Ottawa and the surrounding areas (Gatineau, Cornwall, Brockville, Pembroke). Are there any existing groups? If not, then I have created one, please feel free to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1013132380134850
  6. My Patton has started doing something weird, when I power it on the front light flickers and then comes on - by default. If I hit the light button it will not turn off, it just beeps. Anyone else seen this behavior or have a theory on what the cause is? Here's a video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/e9V9mERPEwfZ2Fd4A
  7. Back on topic: I've heard a few people saying the difference between the old motor and the new motor is not very noticeable. Can we get a few more people giving us their thoughts? Is it truly noticeable?
  8. You think this is an e-bike forum? And you think e-bikes are only supposed to go 40 Km/h? ....and you think we are morons? lol... Tell us more....
  9. Loving my new S22, it's super maneuverable, even when sitting. However... The seat leaves a lot to be desired. It is not very comfy. I've seen Rawnei's 3d printed seat supports but I'm wondering if you guys have any other quick and easy DIY solutions for the seat (ones that are easy on the eyes as well as the ass). Any suggestions? Show us your seat!
  10. Wow Rawnie you are a rockstar, thanks! What's up with your seat? Did you print that too? I'm looking for something a bit more comfortable for long rides - is it any good?
  11. Finn... Finn.... Finn.... where shall we begin? I remember you bitching and moaning about the batch #1 V11's because your bearings went bad... you threw a massive temper tantrum and ranted and raved for a few months until you got your V11 fixed. InMotion was the worst, they were evil, their wheels weren't durable, nobody should buy InMotion products, etc etc. Pretty much exactly like this thread. What happened buddy? Did you break your S22? I hope that no one reading this thread makes the mistake of taking you seriously. ps - the S22 is my 5th suspension wheel and I highly recommend it. It's a great wheel that has raised the bar for the entire industry. Very fun wheel, I prefer it over my Master. It's not perfect, but none of them are (as you well know).
  12. This is the most interesting part of this thread. The V11Y is not exciting me, but a lighter 20" V13 might! What I really want these days is an InMotion wheel that weighs about 70lb and competes with the S22.
  13. Hey guys a quick heads up that the file on Thingiverse for Sherman-S bumpers does not work: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5802308 I printed 16 of those in anticipation of our new wheels arriving only to discover they dont fit at all 😞 (whoever owns that file should take it down). Does anyone have a 3D file for Sherman-S top bumpers (and anything else) that works? Thanks in Advance!
  14. Your buddy uses a 'Freedconn R1 Plus' !
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