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  1. I've noticed that with the "Lift to stop running switch" on, when pulling up the trolley handle, occasionally my 18XL stops balancing and the only way to get it to balance again is to turn it off and turn it back on. A couple times in the past few days, after coming to a stop and just standing with one foot on the wheel, the wheel stopped balancing. The handle was in the down position and I didn't touch the handle. I had to turn the wheel off and on to balance again. I have since turned off the "Lift to stop running switch" for fear it might cut-off while riding. I have a 1,000 miles on the wheel. Not sure why I was using the switch in any case. I seldom have use for it. Has anyone else had this issue?
  2. Not really paranoid of the "hypothetical big-brother-in-the-sky" ... just the pissed off trail walker/jogger that ends up working hard to get us banned on this great trail system. All I'm saying is to save the speedometer overlay for street riding videos ... not for showing "we're" going twice the speed limit on mixed-use trails.
  3. @chrisjunlee My unsolicited advice is not to post videos with speedometer overlays that show going far over the speed limits of the "trails" that you're riding on. If one can get a red-light ticket from a camera, what do you think can happen if the wrong person happens to see your video. We all go faster than the 15 mph limit on the trails you're riding (bicycles and euc's) ... just not a good idea to put it out there imho.
  4. Sorry ... I can't help myself ... I think it's better being wreck less than being wreck more. Of course being reckless is not good for our public image and may endanger others.
  5. Are you talking about both items? I agree that the current iOS app doesn't show current speed or speed control setting on the main page, but the "Turning and Forwarding Adjustment" seems to work and keeps the wheel from tipping forward while turning. At least it did for my V10F after I recently upgraded the firmware to 2.2.28 It would be nice for the iOS app to be fixed though. Another annoying issue with it is when I go to Vehicle Information, it disconnects from Bluetooth.
  6. You need to do a "Turning and Forwarding Adjustment." It is under "Vehicle Correction" and called "Turning and Forwarding Adjustment" on IOS. Make sure that your V10 is perpendicular to the ground before correction. As shown here:https://image.ibb.co/cU649J/140_B78_D5_31_E5_4561_9162_4_D4_F49_EA2779.png)"
  7. Hey Rehab, What brand industrial grip tape did you use? Is it staying well?
  8. I second the InMotion. I'm sorry. I'm weak. I just couldn't resist.
  9. I have the iPhone app and it has always shown imperial "miles" on the "first" screen and metric "miles" on the "second" screen. The app just wrongly uses the terms "mi" and "mileage" instead of "km" and "kilometers". Everyone knows to multiple miles by .6 to convert kilometers to miles (very close anyway). So 250 "miles" really is 150 "miles" on the iPhone App. I know I should keep my mouth shut, but I just can't. @novazeus, take a breath. I'm sure your original V10F is just fine. I know what a pain in the ass it has to be for you and Bob but the issue really doesn't add up to a refund or new wheel. I think @Jeffrey Scott Will and his team have been great dealing with this huge warranty/recall situation. It's not easy for a very small company like InMotionUSA to step up and perform like they have.
  10. Nils, what was your battery level when these happened? I wonder if there are two kinds of Overloads ... one due to long, steep climbs in hot weather (overheating) ... another, "pushing" hard into hills but at lower battery levels? The two times that I got an Overload was for the latter. I've tried to duplicate one of the Overloads by pushing hard up the same steep hill with a lot of battery reserve and I couldn't get it to Overload. I tend to keep my wheel highly charged but maybe I'll let the charge dwindle and try the same hill at below 40% battery level to see if Overloads again.
  11. @kjon12 No. I went over the 520 Bridge. I've done it twice so far. Both times in beautiful weather with no wind. I imagine the I-90 bridge would be nice as well.
  12. We definitely get cheated out of sunshine here but today was 88 F. and I just did a 14 mile trip up and down some pretty steep hills. Still no overheat/overload. Maybe the V10F is a "weightist" and doesn't like little guys. LOL I'm 220+ lbs and don't feel cheated at all. ?
  13. @dw8928 My V8 was a super commuting wheel. The only problem was its limitation for range. My V10F is GREAT. Plenty fast, long range, smooth ride and it takes me everywhere I want to go in Seattle. I've even taken it from Belltown to Bellevue Square and back on a single charge with juice left over (27 miles). And I'm 220+ lbs, with gear. I'm now running 2.2.8 firmware. I've tried, but I haven't been able to get it to overload on me yet. It is a super stable wheel. I've also been pleasantly surprised (actually grateful) with how the wheel has saved me from being pitched forward and off the wheel, while going over potholes, dips and drops, at speed (20+ mph) with no time to avoid. In other words, at "clenching" moments, the wheel has performed incredibly. I wear gear (wrist, knee and helmet) but it's never pleasant to get thrown off, regardless. If I was in Southern California, in 90 F., and doing long and steep, uphill off-roading, my experience (and opinion) might be different. But DAMN, this V10F is one nice machine. I ride it every day and rarely use my car any longer. Seattle is great that way in that everything is pretty much within a 5-mile radius. That Z10 is an awesome looking wheel though. I'd love to be able to test drive one. But in the meantime, I don't feel "cheated" by the V10F in any way.
  14. Hey guys. Let's keep focused on InMotion/EUC's and leave the political comments for other venues ... PLEASE!
  15. I'm 220+ lbs (with gear) and ride up and down all the steep hills in Seattle with no problems. Running 2.2.8 now. I tend to push pretty hard up the hills. Yesterday, a short ride at temps of 87 degrees I hit a Max. Power of 2256 watts and 22.7 mph with no overload. Of course, my ride was only a 2.3 mile round trip (maybe 6 minutes each way), up and down medium steep hills. Like @maltocs, I really love the ride of this machine. Over the past three years my wheels have been the Xtreme and the V8. I loved my V8 too. My motherboard temperature showed 111 F. The "main board" temperature on my app doesn't work. According to that, I'm at dry ice temperature of -98 F. I'm running iOS. Does anyone have a fix for this temperature reading problem? I've deleted and reloaded the app to no avail.
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