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bpong last won the day on September 25

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • EUC
    Glide 3, Tesla V2, Lynx

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  1. damn right...im a snail compared to other riders i have seen in downtown toronto. it was just a matter of time when this would happen... i just hope the insurance industry doesnt exploit this, ...
  2. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/2-in-hospital-after-unicycle-rider-hits-pedestrian-in-etobicoke-1.7067378 i hope its not the fault of the euc rider. but this is not good for our euc community... if the accident happened on a sidewalk, the euc rider is responsible...
  3. im just relieved that nothing disastrous happened to the rider....damn lucky man !!!
  4. im not an avid fan of euc racing. i think its abit dull to watch, but i also think it must be a BLAST to actually get a chance to ride the hell out of your euc on a paved track !!! one day i wouldn't mind doing a few spirited laps around a go kart track ... while i was watching (youtube) an euc racing event that was happening in Spain, i noticed quite a few euc racers were taking turns in a similar fashion like motorcycle racers - they were bracing themselves using one arm and hand near or on the pavement while taking a turn. modern motorcycle racing whether on road or dirt track, involves riders hanging off the side of the motorcycle on a paved curve, and in dirt track, riders sliding around the dirt track curve using 1 leg to support their body. the main difference between motorcycle and euc racing is not the double versus single wheel - the motorcycle has brakes and a clutch so the rider can exert alot of fine control over the vehicle, while the euc's braking and speed control is all done using the position of the riders body. could the study of on road and dirt track motorcycle racing provide useful and helpful reference to euc racers ? i always wondered whether or not if an euc had more grab handles mounted on its body, could that provide the euc racer the xtra ability to further develop more efficient ways of cornering around a race track. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2i5tbwsMas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4B9Sp1T78Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtzP5b4z4tc
  5. eucskills, firstly, for anyone to really give you feedback, please provide the firmware version number, and if possible screen grabs of your settings either physically via pics of your lcd screen on the lynx, or screen grabs of your leaperkim app on your phone. this will give experienced lynx riders more data to work with.
  6. bpong


    From my own limited experience, i used the stock pedals and they were fine. I then swapped them with nylonove pedals and there is a big difference in the spikes. The cast nubs on the lynx pedals are rounded and do mot bite into the sole of my boots. The spikes (actually set screws) in the nylonove pedals bite into the sole of my boots. That one thing alone sold me on the nylonove pedals. If you hav the time and dont want to get aftermarket pedals, grind the nubs flat on the lynx pedals, then design a plan of where to mount set screws on the lynx pedals. Tap the holes and mount the 12mm set screws (M5s). After doing all that, your lynx pedals will have the bite that they should of had to begin with.
  7. well said... if your euc allows it get into the seated riding thing....it does help relieve the fatique in your legs...
  8. my guess is the height is dependant on the rider weight, between the 2 eucs. if you have a local shop that has a lynx, you can ask them to help you with measuring the lynx pedal height when you are standing on the lynx pedals, with full riding gear. you would also need to know the suspension weight for the lynx as well. if there is not a shop available, you can edit your topic and include your rider weight so that a potential poster who matches your riding weight and is a lynx owner, can give you a proper measurement.
  9. Tony inmotion, Are there any videos yu can recommend to charles that clearly show how to use the app OR can yu provide a brief and detailed outline about it ?
  10. charles, firstly, ... please RELAX. you already know how to ride. im getting the impression you thought that your riding experience on the V8 can be transferred to the V14... kinda but not 100%. i think the V14 is considerably heavier than the V8 and it has suspension. you will have to work abit more to extract and enjoy the performance of the V14. there will be responses to your topic to adj the settings properly. there will be other responses telling you that your transitition to the V14 will take time. just relax and take it all in and do not be in a hurry. learn about how to change and edit the settings - this does not happen in a few minutes. if you feel comfortable bracing and riding beside the wall, then do it. dont get impatient and do something that will cause you injury, ... no point to that !!! you got one of the nicest eucs out there so it will take time for you to adjust to its increased weight, inertia, and capabilities. i went from an old teslaV2 to a lynx. its been 10 weeks; im 66 yrs old; and the 1st week i thought i dumped my money into something that im incapable of riding. but i persisted and took some video reference from wrongway videos on seated riding, and how to setup the lynx using the setup menu. it all paid dividends and now, i can comfortably ride standing and seated in the same session. it took time. of course during that period of adjustment, i dropped the lynx a few times on to the grass park, and i fell off it a few times. not the first time for falling, not the last either... it will take time for you. there is one thing i can gurantee you if you persist and take your time. you will experience delight in your new machine, and you will experience an enlightened emotion once you get control of your V14 !!! i know it sounds corny - i dont usually write like this but i experienced the same when i finally got used to the lynx and now every ride is like driving a cadillac around town - a cadillac with one tire that is....the increased weight of the machine only serves to make mounting and dismounting more stable and smooth because it increases the inertia of the machine. you will do great, i have no doubt. check youtube for setup videos for the V14 and how to use the editing functions in its display. im sure there must be vids on this for the V14. dont be impatient on your progress in adapting to your new machine, it will happen sooner than you think. you get back what you put in. and be quite happy and grateful after each session that you finish without major injuries !!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHu9WQZjzwc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECM32AG7HZY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuNsvfYNVW4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p56HMhNsWuk
  11. bpong


    as always from techyiam, well said...
  12. fleetwood, firstly, to help others with your problem, you must post some pics, and close up pics of the controller with the gasket. i have never done what you are doing so i cannot help you. however, i can say confidently, no one will say anything unless they can see what you are dealing with. i sincerely hope you get some replies that help you in your efforts to repair your extreme !!! btw, i think any of the well known reviewers of the extreme may also be available to point you to owners of the extreme who may have disassembled and reassembled their rides. check youtube.
  13. bpong


    to answer both ronins and litewaves replies, speaking for myself, i guess i must be whining then. i own a lynx, and the only thing perhaps that could make the apex01 a "lynxrecycle" (lets make it a word onto itself...) is that for the speed freaks, it will be more stable at speed, and wont send your face into the pavement. as you both mention, lets really wait and see what the 'gods' have concocted for the next killer euc... it may turn out that we need not nail the apex to a cross and pass judgement then....
  14. bpong


    whatever they are posting is not helping their promotion. i find it strange that they cannot understand this. the pedals on the lynx were a joke; and they charged such a high price on this euc. i wonder what else nosfet will release for our viewing... depending on what it depicts, i sincerely hope it can put their wheel in a more positive light...
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