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  1. I've noticed the same behavior from my KS18XL occasionally but was trying to see if I could relate it to how I was riding it at the time. So far no theories, but the fact that you just brought it up makes me think something else may be going on. Hopefully others will chime in. I haven't experienced a full cut-out but the "fluttering" pedal feeling is quite disconcerting at any speed over 12mph.
  2. My bad, I didn't look far enough in, it's under V10, you just need to select the "V10F" option. Still, ewheels isn't stocking them anymore, and I assume it has to do with the multiple problems it had initially.
  3. Has Inmotion pulled/discontinued the V10F? I just noticed both ewheels and Inmotion USA are no longer selling it. It's a little disconcerting seeing as I own one and wonder if parts will be available in the future. I've enjoyed the wheel immensely (minus the app, firmware and water problems). I figured if they took care of all the little problems they could end up with a major winner in the EUC market. What gives?
  4. @Mark Lee, @Japmerican, @Gustesta, to bad we forgot to get the names of the nice family in the video so we could put them in the end credits. I think their son is now destined to be a future winner of the EUC Indy 500. Or maybe a future "on the scene" quadcopter reporter.
  5. Excellent day for a ride, especially through Provo canyon. Anyone out there waiting for the Z10, its a fabulous ride and I'd love to own one. The only possible drawback for me at this point is that it's so much fun to ride I wish it came with a 1600wh battery for more range. I'm currently riding the V10F (960wh battery) and get 30-32 miles per full charge with my riding style. I do enjoy riding mine but am looking towards longer range for my next ride (ACM, MSX, KS18S). Maybe by the time I can afford one, ninebot will have a larger battery option available. One other observation - in my opinion, the Z10 is the coolest looking EUC built yet - seriously, the "batmobile" of EUC's. Thanks again to @Mark Lee for getting everyone together and providing a loaner wheel (KS14S) for my son to ride, @Gustesta for letting us all try his new Z10 (and a Dualtron e-scooter), @Japmerican for letting us tryout his KS18S (who new sitting could be so hard?). Now we just need to work on getting more converts to the EUC way of life. p.s. fyi @Gustesta makes a killer cheese roll if you ever get the chance to try one.
  6. Just got home from a night ride with @Mark Lee and have to say the headlamp he bought is everything he said. I was very impressed with the light output and found that as I was following him I was scanning the road ahead by his headlamp and not my own. The V10F has a good light on it, but I find that the angle it shines in front of you sometimes causes shadows that make bumps and dips in the road look worse than they are so I find myself riding substantially slower. With a light from above it helps and the light @Mark Lee bought is a substantial improvement to night riding. I'm going to pick one up myself. Also a quick shout out and thanks to @Mark Lee for letting me try out 4 different wheels tonight, Mten, MCM5, Kingsong 14s and his ACM. All enjoyable wheels with their own slightly different characteristics.
  7. I agree with @maltocs regarding my experience with the V10. I really enjoy the ride and response on flatland and have learned to just ease off a lot more on hills, fortunately I don't live in a hilly area. Optimistic that firmware issues will be resolved, and overall satisfied with the purchase.
  8. Any electrical engineers out there? New possible theory for overheat/overload tilt back. Hey, just before going out for a ride tonight I was messing with the app (I haven't upgraded firmware yet) and went into "Vehicle Information". I noticed the "Current Voltage" was listed as 82.7 volts. I had charged it 100% and the charge (according to the app) was 98%. I thought this was a little curious since typically (according to my experience) a 12 volt battery will still read close to "12 volts" even when most of it's charge (amperage) is gone. So I decided to ride longer than I had planned just to drain the battery more. When I finally called it quits, the "Current voltage" showed as 72.4 volts (see screen shot below). I understand that an electric motor, if it is not supplied the rated voltage will make up for it by drawing more amperage. More amperage = more heat, (wiring is sized according to amperage) and even though the wattage ( Volts X amps) remains the same, it does so at the cost of more heat. So 2000 watts at a lower voltage output produces more heat (because of increased amperage). Three questions: 1. Is my thinking correct? 2. Is the voltage drop in my battery normal for EUC batteries? 3. Might this be the cause of my past overload/tilt back experiences? Thanks ahead for any input.
  9. Unexpected 45 degree tilt back. Went for a long ride today. Approximately seven miles in on a mild uphill, going approximately 15-17mph heard the warning alarm (the one you hear when you exceed the max speed (I'm set at 25mph) and experienced an immediate 45 degree tilt back. I did not get the "Overload, please step off wheel" warning that I have in the past just the alarm followed by the tilt back. Was able to steer it at the shoulder of the road and leap forward and run it out (glad I was going slow enough). The wheel didn't go far (stopped by weeds and sagebrush) lucky it didn't hit any of the soccer ball size rocks along the road. The wheel hadn't shut off and the only thing I could see from the App that might have caused it was a max power of 2562 watts (see below, screen shots are from the end of the ride). The main board temp at the time was 111F the ambient temp during the entire ride was approx. 80F. The ride prior to the hill was flat for 6 miles, riding into a fairly stiff headwind, average speed 18-20mph. With gear I was probably about 205 - 210 lbs. Anybody experience the same? In the past (three times) I've always gotten the warning message (without the alarm) but not this time and the tilt back seemed more immediate and aggressive.
  10. So I was toolin around town, went to the High School drivers ed driving range to practice turns etc..After about an hour, decided to head home,.Came to a stoplight, slowly road up waiting for the light to turn green. Was roughly even with the first car in line when the light turned green, decided to "give it the juice" and beat him off the line (which I did), but in about 20 yards got the "OVERLOAD, PLEASE STEP OFF" which I was then obliged to do, because I started getting the 45 degree tilt back. I quickly stopped in a driveway, remembered I did in fact have the APP on, ( I had checked it earlier in my ride), pulled the phone out to look at all the stats but the APP was froze on the first screen. It only showed the speedometer without any of the trip statistics. Tried turning it sideways for the other view but it wouldn't come up. Long story short - had to close the APP and reboot it to sync it with the wheel which then showed me starting a fresh trip. The only useful info I could get was that the temp of the control board was showing as 118F. The ambient temp at the time was low 80's, the pavement was smooth and level. I turned the wheel off for about 20 seconds and turned it back on and finished my ride home without any further problems. My only theory is - I'm 6'2" 200 lbs trying to race a car off the line, leaning harder than the wheel liked and it basically told me " I can't crank 3000 watts into my 2000 watt motor so GET YOUR FAT "BIBLE DONKEY" OFF MY BACK. Anybody else have any better theory's? Or should I contact the authorities (ewheels)? I'm not convinced it's a malfunction, (although I can't rule it out) I still think it might be performing according to it's programming.
  11. Eddiemoy, unfortunately I turned off the wheel to restart it and as I mentioned before, lost all the data on that "trip". I will say I had only been riding it for five minutes but prior to going up the hill I had come down it at about 15mph braking most of the way. It is a fairly steep hill, drops 354ft in elevation in 0.7 mile and at the bottom I immediately turned around to go back up without much level ground before starting up the incline. I don't know how much heat, braking generates, but that may have added to the overload. I did notice the first time I had an overload (when I was accelerating aggressively) the max wattage showed as 2490 watts. I believe the wheel may be behaving according to its programmed tolerances and I just need to be nicer, although it would be nice to know for sure. One more observation about my V10F experience (possibly the same for all EUC's). I am a hang glider pilot and although there are obvious things I can do in a hang glider that aren't possible on an EUC. The fluidity of motion on an EUC (when you have smooth pavement) is very similar and satisfying. It's also very close to the motion a professional ice skater makes, only with less effort (motor) and grace. As a hang glider pilot I've spent 60-70% of my time chasing good flying conditions and the other 30-40% actually flying. I can now take my V10F out anytime I want (even night) and get my "fix".
  12. Hey, I've been trolling this site (can you say voyeur) for about 3 months, decided to put my 2 cents in. First of all thank you for all of your input/info, this is the best site for quality info on EUC's. I ordered a V10F and got it in the first "slow boat" batch from ewheels (who I discovered, due to your excellent reviews) about two weeks ago. Originally, I tried to call Jason (line was busy) so I went ahead and put in an order for a Kingsong 16S. Jason actually returned my call 15 minutes later and talked me into the new V10F (the V8 was a close 2nd to the Kingsong, but I wanted better range). My impressions/experience : It appears to be well put together. The handle does have some slight side to side play but seems to work fine (I actually pushed it for 3 miles after overestimating my remaining battery power). The tire is on "backwards" (doesn't bother me), I did add 4 oz of slime and pumped it to 40psi. The app (ios) seems to work fine for my needs - recognizes the wheel, hooks up Bluetooth fine (I do find it a little annoying that it connects to my phone when it's charging so I hear all my phone sounds), music plays fine - speaker quality marginal but sufficient, lights are interesting but I tend to leave them off. I have noticed that I lose all the wheel statistics on a given ride when I turn the wheel off - I don't know if there's a feature that allows me to save it and I'm not the most tech savvy guy. I haven't heard any noise coming from the wheel so I may gotten lucky and missed the defective motor batch. The wheel is really quiet (although my wife thinks I'm deaf sometimes - selective hearing) - on video reviews I can hear a kind of whine like a small jet engine but I don't hear it when riding mine. I currently have about 150 miles on it, longest ride to date 24.5 miles. Not having prior experience with EUC's, I can't compare it to anything else but the ride is very smooth. I don't consider myself a speed "freak" but found myself hitting the 25mph limit if I wasn't paying attention, so I attribute it to the smooth ride. I was able to ride a regular unicycle before I ever discovered EUC's so I wasn't concerned about learning and was able to ride it around a parking lot within a half hour of attempting. I also have two sons who picked it up just as quickly, one who also new how to ride a regular unicycle and on who doesn't, so I don't know if we have really good balance or just to dumb to know any better. My best guesstimate of actual range for me is 30 miles. I suppose if it was straight and flat with no stops/starts I could get closer to ewheels estimate of 38 miles. I weigh 200 lbs with safety gear and a small backpack on, tend to ride at about 18mph (by ear listening to the pitch of the wheel tread). I have had the wheel tell me "overload, step off of wheel" (with the accompanying 45 tilt back) twice - once when aggressively accelerating (amb. temp. low 80's, battery 70%) and once when going uphill - paved road, about 0.5 miles, change of elevation 262ft, maintaining about 15mph, (amb. temp. low 80's, battery 90%). I am a little concerned about the possibility of excessive heat at the control board - I know there's a cooling fan but the effectiveness of it is questionable and where I live the summer tends to stay in the 90 degree range with a week or two above 100. I was debating between a regular helmet and full face helmet. Ended up getting a full face helmet because I work as a surgical nurse in the operating room and see people getting their jaws wired shut for facial fractures. It's great for weight loss but I'm not desperate enough. My main selling point for full face helmet though, is that my longest ride to date was along the "Legacy Highway trail" in northern Utah and it borders wetlands - I must have ridden through 20-30 swarms of bugs on that ride. I will say that the decreased peripheral vision is a concern. Sorry, that was probably more like 4 cents worth. I appreciate all your input on all the different makes/models of EUCs and will continue to visit the forum but I'm kind of a tech hermit and just enjoy watching from the perimeter so you won't hear much from me unless I believe it's useful input. Thanks again - lueksparky
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