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( _ ) Alexey

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    Inmotion V10F

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  1. Kaeto, have you moved? I keep on riding in Haifa area. Yesterday saw another rider, but other than that - nobody here on EUC. Inmotion teases with a new V12HT, time to get creative again
  2. It's not Linked In, mate, no need to sell yourself here
  3. Next topic: Why not cap the motor speed via GPS or bluetooth doppler effect If the purpose is to prevent cutoffs due to the wheel reaching max spinning speed in the air during brief loss of contact with the ground - then the wheel could be capped at its max rotation speed without cutoff for a limited period of time, few second should be enough to return to the ground from safe jump height. In any case accelerometer during jump in the air will show zero acceleration, which could be used for jump detection, and on the ground you have the actual speed via wheel RPM.
  4. When I just started riding, I mean when I was finally able to ride with both feet non-stop for over 50m, I was very tense and a bit shocked by the lack of control over the wheel that I had at that moment. I was so concentrated on not falling off the wheel, it felt like I’m able to send the wheel in some general direction but there was no option for fine maneuvering whatsoever. I was wondering will I ever be able to ride among pedestrians on a sidewalk, let alone on a road with cars like I saw in Paris. Turns out all I needed was practice, just ride, stay mostly in your comfort zone but do what’s less comfortable when it’s less risky. There are insane stunts possible with an EUC that I see on youtube and look forward to mastering. Exciting stuff.
  5. Sorry to hear that, man. No idea on the technical side of the issue, if it’s out of the blue like you describe - there could be a hardware issue. Did you run diagnostics through the Inmotion app? While you are waiting for response of other Inmotion owners that might have better ideas - I’d suggest to contact Inmotion support. It would be scary to ride a wheel without understanding the reason behind its failure.
  6. I was thinking about knee injuries while I was writing, great to get a feedback that they don’t take all the fun from riding EUCs. My knees also gently hint that they were not designed for the pressure applied sideways, I do feel a minor discomfort riding on one leg and I try not to do it for unnecessarily long periods of time, just for start/stops and to reposition feet during long rides to restore blood flow :). Riding on one leg, like any other non-competitive athletic activity is not something to do through pain or major discomfort. EUC is a bit of an athletic vehicle, it does require some fitness, I definitely did not have it when I was learning to ride, my feet hurt, my calves hurt, my legs were stiff, but it was all gone within two-three weeks of practice, maybe a month.
  7. Thanks for the topic Dreygun, it was nice to get to know our community a little closer. I do VLSI engineering for one of the leading silicon companies.
  8. I learned riding in my office building which had narrow semi-soft cubicle corridors and soft carpets, I never fell of it (to the ground) and the wheel did not get a scratch during about four hours of my total training spread over several days. Although the wheel definitely fell on the carpet several times, mainly when I was too tired to hold it with my leg after stopping. Eventually I learned that I made it more difficult for myself by training on soft surface, but I still think that it’s the safest training setup. I did get a couple of bruises on my legs though from the wheel falling on them, but that’s about it. The better shape you are in - the higher your chances of jumping off the wheel and keeping standing in case you loose control over the wheel. Being able to jog should be a good start. And as with any vehicle - unless you are competing - it’s a good practice to stay well within your comfort zone in terms of speed, terrain, weather, etc.
  9. “Overload, please get off” which sounded more like “please get out”. How did you record this?
  10. There’s no mind-opening point, it’s a matter of developing reflexes and muscles. I’ll explain: you must learn starting by standing on a wheel still with one leg. Stand near a wall, hold the wall and stand on a pedal with one foot, hold the other foot on the ground and then lift it slowly in the air and place on the other pedal, all this time holding the wall and keeping the wheel verical. To keep the wheel vertical you will have to push it with the calf of the leg you are standing on the wheel with towards the unoccupied pedal. For that you might need to develop muscles, but that is essential for control and safe start-stop on the street. Ideally you’ll need this capability for both legs, but start with the one you feel most comfortable with. Practice and reach the point when you can almost balance standing on one leg and barely touching the wall with your hand. I’ve heard there are people that ride but can’t keep the wheel upright with one leg, they kind of jump start it but I’d like to really discourage that. That’s lack of essential control that may lead to accidents. The second thing that you should do after you can stand with one leg is “long strides”. Since you can now stand - try to stand without touching the wall, for that you’ll need to do short one-legged ride/step/stride forward. By that I mean ride forward with one leg on the wheel and slightly lifting the other from the ground, trying to balance on one leg. Start short and try to ride longer and longer with only one leg on the pedal. Don’t try to put the other one on yet, it will distract you and will interfere with your balance. These long strides will develop the reflex of the tips of your toes pushing on the pedal to make the wheel move forward and the heel stopping it. Eventually that’s the reflex that will fully control the wheel. When your strides will become long end effortless - you be able to put the other foot on the pedal. You’ll know when it happens, if you can’t yet - keep practicing one leg. Ideally you should be able to ride on one leg for some distance. That’s how you start and stop on the street. Keep practicing and tell us how it goes.
  11. Are EUCs allowed in Turkey in general? Are there EUC shops in Istanbul or you can only order online? Do you know?
  12. Congratz on your new ride Ismail! Do people also ride electric unicycles in Istanbul?
  13. Perfect. Ping me if you need another part modeled, I’ll be glad to practice Fusion 360.
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