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Marco Stahlmann

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    MSupver v3, MTen3, MSX, Nikola 100V

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  1. Have you ever looked at https://logic-masters.de/ They have quite an assortment of puzzles! Try watching this channel (cracking the cryptic) and get your mind bend by some crazy sudokus. They do 2 live solves each day and have their own app. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC-UOdK8-mIjxBQm_ot1T-Q
  2. Cool! That's the same set I borrowed from my father when I got into photography 30 years ago. Made lots of nice photos with it! I have sitting a similarly old Nikon analog sitting around. Still using the old lenses but my F-90 and F-100 bodies just collect dust.
  3. You know that flight into IFR conditions is one of the major killers in general aviation! While getting my IFR license I got disoriented pretty fast after flying into IFR conditions and that is with instrument that show you your orientation!
  4. My son used to ride our wheels to Sunset High School and then to the Tualatin Hills Aquatic Center everyday and I commuted to Hillsboro from Cedar Mills a couple times. Bike lanes usually work pretty well. But Cornell or Evergreen can get scary if you have cars passing you close by at 45 mph. Or you plan to ride through some neighborhood streets, which typically doesn't add too much time to your commute and much less stressful!
  5. Thanks for putting me in the typical fat weight class with my 245 lbs. Good for me, that I'm 6'9" and the weight is distributed fairly The wing should be optimal for your intended use with the motor. You shouldn't use it without the motor though unless you take 50 lbs of rocks or water along. If you fly the wing under its load limit it might get some better performance in glide, but also will be way more volatile to fold up if you hit a thermal or a sideways gust. It is always better to fly a wing on its upper limit or a little above to make it more stable and easier to handle. This is a class B wing and that is a real intermediate wing design, so they have good performance but also have a good amount of built in security, i.e. if the wing folds up in flight it will unfold itself rapidly most of the time on its own or with little input. If its flown at its lower limit it will handle more like an expert wing and you will have to do lots of work to unfold the wing after it folds. You should probably look a little into aviation weather theory! If you plan to fly in mountainous terrain there are two things to consider: 1. Density altitude: if you want to take off on a nice warm day at 3000MSL your actual density altitude may be well over 4000', since warm air is less dense than cold air. And the higher your density altitude, the lower your motors performance. 2. Wind turbulance: be aware of wind rotors on the leeward side of mountains and ridges. You might have great updrafts on the upwind side of the mountain but as soon as you cross the hilltop and get to the downwind side there will be bad downdrafts, that are even dangerous for planes. Have save flights and lots of fun! Share some video!
  6. That's a nice wing! Probably not in my weight class. I was already at the upper weight limit for a regular wing or was looking into tandem wings with my 115kg + gear. Having a motor added to that will definitely be a huge tandem wing for me :-) Hiking with that gear is not great but doable. Most of the time we were flying in a group and had two vans since most of the time the landing area is down in the valley somewhere and top landings are quite sketchy most of the time. Starting with a motor wherever you find a nice field is really tempting, but chasing thermals is also part of the fun. I've seen some cool youtube videos with powered paragliders, so have lots of fun! Don't let the adrenaline rush mess up your good reasoning! A friend was so eager to find the next thermal that he ended up hanging in the trees. Which was quite a bummer for everyone, since mountain rescue had to come in with a helicopter to get him out, which shut the whole area down from paragliding. No major injuries though, besides some cut lines and some small wholes in the wing!
  7. I love paragliding! Gliding noiselessly through the sky with the wing rustling quietly above you and the sun in your face is quite calming. I did most of the flying in the french Alps, so you can add a spectacular scenery to that experience. And you are not jumping of a mountain, just running down a somewhat steep slope before lift off. Having a loud motor strapped to your back doesn't sound to safe and comfortable and takes away lot of the calming experience. But you don't have to hike up a mountain, so that is maybe a plus. Just got my private pilot licence last year, so am now flying more in these tin cans and enjoying every moment of it! Total different experience though, not as relaxing as silently gliding around and everything happens much faster. FLying on a beautiful day in the Pacific North West is something to really enjoy. If you have all the Volcanoes from Mt. Rainier down to Mt. Jefferson in sight is quite unique!
  8. Just get an 8mm or 5/16 inch steel rod. and cut it to length. Total cost around 5$
  9. Heute in der Motorrad Zeitschrift gefunden, gibt ausser BMW wohl noch andere Scooter mit Strassenzulassung https://www.motorradonline.de/motorraeder/veeley-elektro-kick-scooter-mit-strassenzulassung.1066252.html?source=newsletter&article=Elektro-Kick-Scooter+Veeley+V5
  10. The best one I got so far was: "The Jetsons are coming" while riding with my daughter around the neighborhood
  11. Hi, when I was practicing on the MTEN3 of my son I quickly realized that these pedals are a little bit tiny for a shoe size 17. With a comfortable placement of my feet, my toes were out by approx. 2" Do you know if the MSuperV3 pedals fit on the MTEN3? Is it safe to mount them or will I end up hitting the ground on every turn? Thanks for any input, Marco
  12. Did my son ran into anyone of you guys monday morning at the Nike campus?
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