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Wheel Guy

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    Master Pro v2, Mten4, Master v2

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  1. Very sorry to hear about your bad luck. At least you're keeping your spirit up. Sorry you feel EUCs are not worth the hassle anymore. Hope things get better! Seems the EBCP is very poorly designed when it comes to water ingress. Very sad, since almost all wheels run the risk of at least accidentally getting caught in the rain. No one can predict the weather with 100% accuracy. It's a shame since it's such a great wheel in other aspects.
  2. Sounds like a godlike wheel, upgraded waterproof mcm5v2 is what the world needs! Pure efficiency.
  3. Those wheels are unlikely to be beaten anytime soon, unless you count the A2/Mten4. The older wheels had no suspension and paper-thin plastic shells. basically nothing unneccesary. So newer wheels in the same size are unlikely to be lighter. Then again, afaik wheels from that era also were not very waterproof.
  4. Interesting. You don't find much use for the 10 inch then? I've found myself using my Mten4 a lot when I'm going less than 10km or so. But maybe a 14 inch would fit in nicely in the middle.
  5. Not too bad then! Of course we will have to wait and see when they get real prototypes out, but if it's around 60kgs it can be pretty great!
  6. The current Master Pro is 54kg right? why would 1200wh weigh 16kg+? If its around 60kgs I think this can be a pretty great wheel. If it's waterproofed like the a2 (and seemingly the ET Max as well) I might just have to buy it.
  7. I assumed we were talking about GPS speed and stock wheels. A stock ex30 doesn't break 100km/h GPS does it?
  8. ah yeah, then it might be better with something a bit bigger and more powerful. I'm 90kgs and it's been fine, haven't bent the case either despite many falls and crashes. but the motor is easy to overtorque.
  9. Have you tried the Mten4? It can do jumps, snow, forest roads, gravel, hop curbs etc fine. yes, hitting a big pothole while not ready for it can cause issues but that's true for any non-suspension wheel. I ride over railroad tracks, potholes and rocks on a daily basis with mine.
  10. Scary, glad the wheel seems to be fine!
  11. Ah ok, maybe running it would've been fine but charging is another matter. Water droplets like to gather around that area. Thanks for replying!
  12. How did you kill it? Heavy rain? Mine has survived a few pretty bad rainstorms without extra waterproofing but now I'm scared haha. How long did it take for it to break and how did it break?
  13. Nice pics! Super late comment but, how did you add the white text? Tire pen or tape?
  14. Update: I broke my thumb (not EUC-related) and haven't been able to ride for 5 weeks, which means my wheel has been sitting. I charged it fully before the accident. When I started it after the 5 weeks it had drained to 129.4v (93% battery) which is actually not too bad. Long term storage doesn't seem to be a problem which is nice.
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