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  1. LG M50LT batteries. 10km on odometer. LG battery is really a fire hazard
  2. In the table summarizing fires by brand, can we also make a table that summarizes fires by battery brand eg LG or Samsung etc.?
  3. Begode A2 in Korea https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElectricUnicycle/permalink/6463315290433046/?mibextid=S66gvF
  4. Thanks I saw it but I thought it was unusual that they didn’t show the euc.
  5. Thank you! For each time we get asked, “is it hard to ride?” Now we can just say no not at all. Check out this 1 minute tutorial on forum.electricunicycle.org 😁
  6. If you have friends who want a super short euc tutorial, here is a tutorial condensed into just one minute!
  7. I'm glad you found it helpful. Thanks also for taking time to give feedback, which helps me understand what people like!
  8. Thank you sir! I really appreciate the feedback! Re hugging the wheel, I was thinking of teaching the absolute simplest methods with the highest probability of success. So for example, grabbing the wheel and then hopping off with both feet is something we don't do when we stop. But for beginners, it's the easiest way I've found to teach them to stop safely. Similarly, with hugging the wheel with their foot, it's the easiest way I found to teach people to ride, even though it's not the normal way to ride. Eventually they learn to move their feet around on their own. I wanted to add a note about that, but I didn't want it to get too boring or confusing. As for cutting the tutorial short, I'm sorry about that. Honestly, my intent is not to funnel people to do 1-on-1 lessons (TBH, I doubt many people would be able to do that). Rather, I didn't want the video to get too long, so I only covered the most basic parts (to improve audience retention). This is similar to the approach I've seen with EUCO's and Kuji Rolls' tutorials (iirc, neither of them teach free mounting, or steering either etc.). I hope to make another follow up tutorial that covers these other techniques! Best regards, Mic
  9. Here's a new tutorial I made for learning how to ride an EUC, with some detalis that I haven't seen discussed yet.
  10. same incident: Video of the fire showing the RS https://www.facebook.com/reel/709633927832332?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw
  11. Uhuh and unfortunately they probably won’t make distinctions for battery safety. So even if we are riding an euc with a LiFePO4 and advanced BMS, it would probably still be included in any ban. 😢
  12. When a company discovers a defect in their product, they can initiate a voluntary recall. This helps minimize their exposure to litigation. In this case, euc manufacturers don’t have assets in the US, so they are not afraid of liability because any judgment against them would be difficult to collect (it is doubtful that Chinese courts would allow them to be enforced against assets in China). Begode said customers should just replace their batteries every year (!!!) The ones who have most exposure are distributors. Ewheels did the right thing with a product recall, offering free replacement of LG batteries for their customers at a cost of over a million dollars. So far no other distributor has offered to do what ewheels did. That’s why I try to support ewheels when I can.
  13. Fire - the badly burned one seems to be an RS19. There also seems to be an 18XL in the background. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/kids-sent-home-after-electric-unicycle-fire-federal-way-elementary-school/LHIM3ZDZFZBCPLCFSFOGVTBLPU/?outputType=amp
  14. I hope this encourages EUC to switch to safer batteries like solid state or LiFePO4.
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