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    34.0686° N, 117.9390° W
  • EUC
    Gotway Mten3, Gotway MSP Ht., Kingsong S22

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  1. Hi Duf, I also got my s22 from Ray, Revrides is honoring Ray’s s22 motor replacement. Email Revrides and tell them you got it from Ray with a screenshot of your motor number with the QR code. (Sticker). It was while supply last, hopefully they still have some in stock.
  2. DM Marty Backe, he done it on several gotway wheels .
  3. Hi, I am in SoCal, West Covina, I can come to San Diego anytime when you’re available. Direct message you my cell number.
  4. I am newbie rider, with an MSP HT, I rode one of Marty’s Mt. baldy tour. I started with 100% battery, after about 23 miles up the Mt. Baldy lodge, I had 50% left on my battery, so after coming down I end up with 36% battery. I would say I use less energy because of regeneration but I could not say you would gain more than what you have when you started going downhill.
  5. Can you please email me some pictures? I am in West covina, CA. boogles99@hotmail.com. Thanks.
  6. LAesk8's Intro 2 speed, All PEV welcome!
  7. Can you file it down the pedal hanger to lower the angle?
  8. Just sharing Mal Scot's video of his son and Chris Chaput, showing how it can be so much fun riding EUC.
  9. Some guy from Euc brother's video did the same.
  10. Wondering if you would like to trade with my Mten3 67V 420wh with only 157 miles, still got ewheels warranty, bought in June 2020. I am in West Covina.
  11. try searching for: Inmotion Official Electric Unicycle Group
  12. Just want to update you, today I tried it for the first time at the park on grass where it is bumpy, I can feel my feet are more planted with the spikes, usually when I hit a bump, my feet would shift, not this time. Now I understand why so many people recommend getting a spiked pedal or insert. Hope you try it too and give us your opinion.
  13. I actually use a double sided woodworking tape, pretty sticky. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07F1BJN6D/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  14. Unfortunately, not yet.. it's been raining so far. But I will update and post it here.
  15. Very Nice.
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