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    Bydgoszcz, Poland
  • EUC

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  1. Interesting, for a long time I have not visited this forum and recently started to get emails because of this followed thread from 2016 Well, I'm still happily riding my KS16 (some 9000 km) and I'm intentionally holding my desire for bigger and faster wheel. Reasons: 1. I prefer to ride with minimum protection gear - gloves and helmet (sometimes only gloves) and I'm aware that speed over 20 km/h is tricky to step out/overrun which inevitably means fall down. 2. My wheel is 17 kg and I comfortably care it up stairs, which would not be the case with 24 kg wheel (the current KS 16 inches per example). 3. I do not need rides more than 10-15 km and then for this range speed up to 30 km/h is enough for me. Time saving is not significant for such ranges. 4. Most of the time wherever I go, I'm still the only one EUC rider, so what is the point to ride faster when there is no competition (or envy). 5. Last but not least, doing my other adrenaline hobby motor paragliding when flying close to the ground and after some incidents I realized that 30 km/h is kind of the body limit not to get devastated by touching the ground. Ride safe and enjoy the ride
  2. DS


    It seems to me that since you had some police disturbing your trips in the town, you both got better in freestyle&tricks The EUC's have so many applications.
  3. DS


    This video is kind of "We love Russia", but I found it very useful as a reminder how important a strong protection gear is at such a speed. The guy survived without a slight body scratch!
  4. DS


    Well...next time you could EUC block even narrower wooden bridge and hang around printouts
  5. DS


    Nice video and enjoyable riding At 6:49 I've heard that EUC grew popularity in China and UK...I would say France instead of UK, since in UK (AFAIK) EUCs are forbidden to ride on the streets/sidewalks, not to mention the numerous EUC meet-ups in France.
  6. DS


    Here is a related article I found useful http://www.secretsofsurvival.com/survival/dog_attack.html
  7. DS


    You might get it wrong. The video with chasing dog is not mine. I ride KS16 and usually outrun dogs but in this case I was not aware of it. Wearing a thick winter hat and ski glasses made me a bit distant from the reality I already ordered two ultrasonic dog repellers and while waiting for them I'm considering to play continuously ultrasonic sound from the KS16 speakers...which might is not so clever idea provided that I will stress ALL the dogs passing by.
  8. DS


    Quite opposite in my case. As you can see from the pic a have some skin injury but nothing on my double layers pants except the dog's saliva traces. "Grabbed on and held on. Threw me right to the ground. I also didn't make a big deal of it, ....." Wow, that sounds serious. I'm afraid I would be much more aggressive than you in such a situation...not to the lady but to the dog Mine tetanus vaccination is from 2010, but in this case the teeth did not penetrate through the cloth...I believe. Thanks for reminding
  9. DS


    A similar situation happened to me today but instead of barking - bite to my calf. Nothing serious, just made me consider that I'm actually more vulnerable to untrained dogs while EUC riding because otherwise most of the dogs are afraid of me This one came very silent from behind and I realized of it's presence by hearing some shouts "NO, NO, NO", just before the bite. Did not bother to take any action towards the female owner, not much sense, I just flew away.
  10. UGH! That has been 3 months! Maybe your country pissed off the Chinese or something! The Chinese love Trump so my order should come quick! Same here, I also have several items ordered from Aliexpress back in November and early Dec...ahhh
  11. Hello fellows Italians I just returned from a one-week business trip from Rome. Had a wonderful time in the evenings walking many of your marvelous sightseeings! I wish I had taken my KS16 to see even more, but you know mission impossible to take it on the plane. I expected to see some EUC riders but did not encounter any. There is a huge potential in a city like Rome!
  12. DS


    Nice video, but why not teach him first to keep balance while riding and then to step on and ride...anyway, he is a persistent boy and will learn it either way.
  13. Ha, ha,,,well, I was not exactly like that dressed but apparently somehow associated with James Bond
  14. DS


    Wonderful video! I really enjoyed it. And those asphalted paths in the forest...dreams
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