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  1. I'm really wishing full recovery on this! I'm looking at ordering from you in the future, wont be a Gotway but 100% trust Inmotion and King Song!
  2. Heard good things about buying an EUC from sites like Alibaba, AliExpress, BangGood etc but I also hear other stories where people got scammed so wonder how can we just buy directly from a manufacture?
  3. It could take some people months or even a year to recover financially from something like this if it keeps happening. We don't all have thousands of dollars to burn and then try to buy more EUC's on top of all the financial losses! We really do have a serious issue with dishonest resellers getting away with stuff like this and should be cracking down on it to protect others from falling into the same traps! It take's courage to speak up and we really need to hold bad resellers accountable! Thank you!
  4. "He wanted to purchase an EUC for under $1000 (CAD$) and I explained to him that such an EUC does not exist" - Eevee's Link to Inmotion V5 on Eevee's website for 899.00: https://eevees.com/products/inmotion-v5f?currency=CAD&variant=37268203929759&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwq9mLBhB2EiwAuYdMtXcqiXJ_RJvI--rRPkJloS-rxK3GVhoEE5LdqphnKmgtPqWQcY_OexoC814QAvD_BwE The link to the Inmotion V5 for 899.00 speaks for it self, they should of sold a beginner a much better quality wheel for that budget if they cared about customer service and satisfaction guarantee. Just to be clear I also offered them over 2k to smooth things over with them and stop the yelling. I'm ready to put way more down on my 3rd wheel here because I have fallen in love with the sport but I'm going with another reseller because I lost trust. I'm resting my case here after this final post but I just wanted to point out that one of Eevee's opening responses show's how they rather make up a half truths and twist the story then apologize for a bad customer experience. Not to mention I never yelled back and I was only just trying to leave on good terms because I already knew I wanted to buy more EUC's in the future. It's also really weird they mention one of my comment as I was leaving about "g-d" because that's another example of missing elements of the full story where I clarified my statement with referring to a song by Vertical Horizon called You're A g-d" and my philosophy is "we are missing pieces of the broken puzzle." and this is based off the teachings of a famous Philosopher called Alan Watts. I get like philosophical when I know something is really wrong and I feel cheated beyond what I can handle or what I think is inhumane... I'm not a saint or saying I did everything perfect here either. I do feel like this is valuable and will hopefully help shine some light into the darkness. I hope to see everyone being cool to each other and not using or abusing. Any good reseller that places customers first would apologize and come up with a solution because business is all about having a good experience so the customer returns for more. If they would of reached out and tried to sort things out and not be so unreasonable I would of made other purchases by now and I would of went to my first group ride this weekend. BTW I am really upset that I will miss out on this but hope we make group rides in the future that has no end goal for financial gain. Why all meet at Eevee's in China Town anyway when you can meet somewhere with more space that's safer being connected to bike trails like Science World? I’m sure you can see it's all about promotion here and not about the safety for the riders. I just wanted to finalize by saying it's not about a childish pointing fingers it's about exposing how horrible they treated me and so others don't have to go thought this. I really hope to see better EUC resellers that put customers service first and that don't need to pay people to write fake reviews google. Keep in mind they don't design EUC's but they are a dealer and a really mean one that needs to learn how to be accountable! Enough said here I think I'm out and leaving this mess behind me feeling really hurt.... I accept my losses and move on... I would of rather been friends then end it like this... Thanks for listening! Peace, Aeon
  5. Can you make a video example? I adjusted the cut off angle as well but someone with more experience may know better than me without a video though
  6. Does he own an EUC? Either way I think teaching EUC to people that don't have one is such a great idea! We should design some kind of app and turn it into a business
  7. Exactly I said that "it DOES make it a lemon because how am I going to fix that" but you tried to say I said it doesn't in your reply. But I'm actually asking for the video where you were yelling at me
  8. Do you all think the right thing to do here is for @eevees to upload the video let everyone can see what really happened that day? I'm not saying I'm a saint either and all I wanted to do is make things right and not leave on bad terms. Even after all this time they haven't reached out to apologize and invite me back to make things right because they're not good people to deal with and this is a good thread to let others know about it. If they ever decide to call me and make things right then I will rest my case but they have to be genuine and actually admit they were wrong and show us the video
  9. 100% agree and I hope they upload the video of it but they better not edit it
  10. Please upload the video (in it's entirety) unedited for everyone to see. You wont because you a lying!
  11. You think it's ok to lie and twist the story and be verbally abusive to get your way and call that good customer service
  12. If you think it's ok to be verbally abusive to get your way
  13. Again not true you were yelling way before asking me to leave I was trying to work things out with you and not leave on bad terms. You clearly think it's ok to verbally abusive
  14. So you think it's right to yell and scream at customers? You don't think that's just inhumane? No it's not the right way to do good business and I have a right to tell my story if I feel hurt Another lie you were yelling way before threatening to call the police
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