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Hellkitten last won the day on July 21

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    Toronto, Canada
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    V11 inmotion, kingsong 18 L, begode mten4, begode rs19hs, leaperkim Sherman S

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  1. I added a few layers of heat shrink to the plug end on my friends charger cable to stiffen it up. He can hold it straight and plug it from In front of the handle.
  2. Hellkitten


    Yo Jack! What about your Canadian crew? Any Toronto retailers getting any? Good luck with your launch, looking forward to seeing what you and your team have created!
  3. @humblesage congratulations on your new wheel and learning to ride! A lot of riders end up with multiple devices based on need. I’ve got a small errand runner, a large long range cruiser and a few mid sized wheels. I’ve never ridden the s16, but it sounds like a good fit for your first one. Welcome to your new addiction!
  4. But then you have to ride with a suitcase.
  5. A lot of people use telegram. It has a live location feature built into it. Plus text and full voice chat. There are groups all over the world there.
  6. I’ve ridden both. I had a V13 loaned to me for a week and I currently own a Sherman S. I find the suspension and ride feel much better on the Sherman. Plus the range on the V13 isn’t great for such a large heavy wheel. I also didn’t like how tall the inmotion wheel was, the top hit my knee joints and made it painful to carve after awhile.
  7. 100% agree. Pavlov’s pedestrians are a thing! I have a polite bike bell for paths and a %$&@ YOU horn for traffic. @OliG glad to hear they’re making a louder version with different sound options. The horn I use in traffic is 125 decibels and it gets drowned out still. Thank you for the very detailed review! 👍
  8. I believe that’s correct. All the riders I know went with the Ngnnng rollers and had to pin their motors. All of them swapped to 3rd party pads which needed faring extensions to properly mount the rear brake pads. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve ridden quite a few of my friends s22s, it’s a decent wheel. They just seem to require more amount of fiddling than I’d like to do. Perhaps the pro was more solid outta the gate. Leaperkim has also biased me to a degree as well….. The Extreme is a decent contender as well. I think it should be added to your potential list as well. @DuckDuckDucky
  9. @DuckDuckDucky can we assume that’s 80lbs not kg?! If not the world is your oyster! 😂 The Patton is slightly over your weight limit, but honestly the extra few pounds are worth the trade off. The s22 is not a bad wheel as long as you’re fine with upgrading your suspension and like to work on your wheels. Most people I know with them are constantly messing around with them.
  10. I own an menten 4 and I do “gentle” curb drops and small jumps. To my knowledge the m10 series is semi notorious for breaking axles. So far so good with mine although I’m very aware that I could snap it. A hollow bore would be a better option I think.
  11. It’s 900wh, it’s only ever going to go so far, especially at a fast pace. Knowing my buddy it’s probably close to it’s top speed. He says it’s kind of a more capable menten. My Menten-4 is only 750wh and I get decent range, but I generally ride around 20-32kmh. I think the falcon would make a great errand runner, short commute or little zippy mess around wheel.
  12. My buddy got his the other day and he said he’d get about 30km on it with fast paced riding. That said he charged it from 36% to full in an hour and a half with the stock 5amp charger.
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