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  1. Have a Acm for sale that I no longer use. Runs good, lights works, great for learning. 67v 820wh version. $450 shipped.
  2. Probly aliexpress your best bet. They only selling 12mosfet version, which is an upgraded board. So should work...but you going to be waiting a few months. https://m.aliexpress.com/i/32866028537.html
  3. Yep, gonna buy one on Amazon. My 3rd dog encounter in less then a month, around my area. This morning had 2 pitbulls run up on me from across the street, teeth out growling ready to attack, gave a loud shoosh, and sped off. Looked back dumbass owner was walking them unleashed, cuz they ran back to him. He didn't call them back or anything just looked at them run after me like an idiot. Luckily I was cruising mostly 25mph, but got up to 35 when I quick heard the first beep. Big empty parking lot having fun, then out of nowhere I hear barking from across the street. Might start carrying pepper spray too for aggressive breeds like this. They will learn the first time they get hit EUC=pain, and prolly won't chase a euc again....just saying.
  4. So I was doing my casual cruise around my block, i hear a car door open behind me. Then the barking starts and I hear the owner yelling "Tootsie, come back!". In my head I'm like crap, stay calm and speed up. So I did that and then I caught a glimpse of the dog, it was a freaking chihuahua. 🤣 Mind you I only been riding for a month, and was on the ACM learning. Glad it wasn't a big dog, I don't think acm will outrun a big dog. I still have my brand new RS HS sitting in storage for when I feel more confident riding. No doubt same adrenaline rush from when I get chased on my esk8, not fun at all, lol. Guess it was bound to happen lots of strays where I live.
  5. Well I'm a veteran and it says so on my driver license. I do have ptsd, would they argue with me, lol? So technically I wouldn't be lying.
  6. Was watching a YouTube video and this guy mentions this Title 3 ADA. Did some research and this seems legit, lol. Guess if a cop pulls you over you can throw this in their face, and wait for the outcome. Anybody use this yet?
  7. Lol, I'm on my 5th esk8. Tried hubs, belt, gear drives, now I'm on direct drives. They each have their own perks and flaws. As for getting a esk8 100% get one they are fun too, just do your research before getting one. I usually hop on mine then ride it around like a go kart. I actually go faster then some of them at 30mph+. There's a few go karts and quads around, and I always get weird looks when they see me flying past them. The thing about esk8 is you can be stationary, something on the euc I gotta get use too. Yeah, I'm having blast learning to ride and it's a hell of a workout. Full blown sweat after my sessions, felt like i ran 5miles. Prolly more fun then esk8 ATM, hands free is awesome. Once I get good at this will prolly be the main toy.
  8. 2hrs yesterday stuck to Wall practicing. After watching more videos over night, decided that the wall was my crutch, now only using the wall to mount the euc. I still can't launch it without support, I tried kick starting and hopping on, but this thing is too heavy. Decided to get and try to stay on longer then 10 sec......after 2 hrs of just launching myself from wall, I can ride it! Staying on longer then 10 seconds was a hell of an accomplishment. Gotta work on stopping and mounting, I notice that once I get it going it gets a little more easy to control. Got in 4 hrs total practice so far and my calves are killing me from pressing it against the euc. Its all sore and red, plus the skin is peeling off😭. Now that confidence is starting to build up. I might be able to take my euc on vacation, still got a month left to practice. Honestly after that first session, I 2nd guessed myself and thought about selling the euc for another esk8. Glad I didn't give up. https://vimeo.com/568562150
  9. Finally got a chance to try to ride today. Semi wet tennis court at a park this morning, after thunderstorms. Let me tell you hauling this out the trunk was a pita. 60-70lb? So....I hopped on first time held on the fence and tried to move forward. 2 hrs later managed to get 1-3 ft before tipping over, or grabbing fence. I learned the hard way, that you need speed to move. Basically you have to lean forward, i was hopping on trying to balance and then move. So when you hop on you gotta start moving right or it will tip over? Leaning forward? Otherwise it would just be a balancing act with no momentum. Last 10 minutes of practice i finally built confidence to let go of the fence and go in to the open, nope not today. Fell at every attempt. Prolly should go back to fence to practice launching tommorow. I'm sore all over, got banged up pretty bad those last 10 minutes without the wall. Honestly thinking I should buy a 2nd hand smaller and less heavy euc to practice on 🤔. The biggest hurdle is trying to stay on it more then 3 seconds without support. If weather permits I'll try to luck again tommorow morning. I know it's gonna be a blast when I get the hang of it. I did get little short burst of happiness when I was able to move it 1-3ft with no support, lol. In the end my RS got scrapped up pretty good trying to learn. Going to Florida soon for vacation, hopefully I can learn to ride before I go. Would be nice to cruise the beach areas in a euc. If I don't learn to ride in a month, I'll prolly be taking my esk8 instead😭.
  10. Just dropped off by ups. Came in 5 days. Cali to Midwest. Glad it's the updated lcd screen version. First ever euc! Ready to go on the first maiden voyage. Unfortunately, postponed due to thunderstorms all week. Guess I'll practice in the house.😭
  11. Lol, I'm in Oklahoma brother. Plus I got a esk8 to keep me busy till they ship it here. Hopefully less then a week.
  12. RS19 speed versions in stock San Diego 17 in stock, according to site. Freemotion. I contacted them confirmed stock in San Diego, ordered my first EUC today.
  13. Well, made my mind up guys. Official part of the EUC family. Esk8 --> EUC. Was torn between new batch S18, RS19, and Nikola+ 100v. But got my order in today for RS19 HS, like 17 in stock in San Diego. Hope it gets here quick.
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