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Phil Wright

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About Phil Wright

  • Birthday March 26

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  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia

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  1. When ppl ask me what it is I usually use the full term, " Its called a 9bot One E+, just google 9Bot and you'll find it..." when I talk to my gf or friends about it I just call it "Bot" I think its full name is very clever marketing as it envokes "interest"
  2. Great video Michael, I know understand the physics... it's funny that what we think we are doing isnt ACTUALLY what we are doing.. cheers mate, Phil
  3. Thanks John for that tip. Although on a bike if one is falling to the right, the tendancy would be to twist to the left then wouldnt it? If the EUC requires one to twist in the direction on the loss of control is this a characteristic of the gyro? Thanks mate for the advice, appreciate all these tips greatly...
  4. Great vid Techfly, mustve gotten lots of looks there....
  5. Hi Alan, Ive just bought a 9BO e+, nervously awaiting its arrival....might have to ride on over....lol how is your unit going? What do you own? cheers, Phil
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