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    One S2; KS16X; V8F; Freestyle manual unicycle

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  1. Thanks for following up. I watched some of that video, then got bored :). Nothing new really. I charge to 80% because my wheel isn't used that much right now, but go to 100% + a bit more for balancing once in a while when I know I'm about to ride at least 10% of the battery away the next day. The problem with charging to 100% isn't the charge cycles which is what I think this video is saying; it's maintaining the voltage stress on the cells when kept at that voltage, an issue not directly addressed in this video although it might be implied. Of course, I'd feel much more comfortable being able to balance the cells myself like hobby lipos with a separate balance lead, but that's not possible with EUCs. Anyway, that's another topic...
  2. Thanks for your comments. The main issue I've had is the problem with battery being chewed up when charging stops. So, If I use a timer to estimate a charge to 80% battery, when the timer cuts the power to the charger, then the wheel will be down to, who knows, 70? 60? 50? by the time I get to it. This is apparently fixed on the newer firmwares. Are we sure the 2.12 wheel spin issue has been fixed in the new 2.12 versions? If so, then I'll bite the bullet & see if Soft tuner can update. I have no idea by Darknessbot & KingSong apps are telling me no updates available.
  3. Just coming onto this firmware upgrade now. I’ve been thinking whether I should update my firmware for a couple of year from the 1.07 that it came with. The only serious issue I’ve had with this firmware version is that when it is unplugged from the charger, the device stays turned on despite looking like it is turned off and drains the battery. To get around this, when the charger is unplugged, I need to manually power the wheel on and then back off again. For the last couple of years, Darknessbot and official Kong Song app for iOS have said no firmware available. That is still the case. But SoftTuner gives me the option of updating to 2.12, which sounds like a bad idea from this thread. Can anyone give me reasons why I should or should not update from 1.07 please? Edit: Sorry, should have said this is a 16X.
  4. I had this exact problem last year with my 16x. Took the pedals off to clean the insides of the machine then rode it for a few more months before needing to change the tyre. Then couldn't get the pedal rod out. Took me weeks of grease, rust dissolver, pounding with a mallet & punch. I think I eventually tired it out & wore down its resolve. It moved mm by mm every week until it eventually came out. No special tricks, just endurance & patience. And it was bent. No crashes that I know of during the time between the previous successful attempt & this very difficult attempt. It was definitely the bending of the rod that made it difficult to remove. Replaced with new rods during the tyre replacement.
  5. Try this one: https://www.amazon.com.au/Marvel-Infinity-Gauntlet-Articulated-Electronic/dp/B07822SW6D/
  6. I've been looking at UCs for longer than I've been looking at EUCs. Bought my first EUC 2 years ago & my first UC 3 months ago. I've found a flat netball court surface perfect for learning, with the wire fence to hang onto. A bit embarrassing among all the kids out riding their mini-bikes & foot scooters. And when I arrive with the UC, people expect me to put down a hat & start juggling for cash donations! I'm now able to traverse a straight line for about 40m, but not able to make sharp enough turns to ride around the court.
  7. I get that, & the other comments from others to similar points. I make content too which I don't charge for as it's not my core business, but I certainly don't give away my IP rights without attribution & I control that strictly, especially if it's to be used for a for-profit purpose rather than an educational purpose. At least TFU is doing the right thing by asking rather than just taking.
  8. I saw a cover on a new KS16X the other day. Looked like it fit well & an improvement over mine from last year that fit horrendously. (There’s another forum topic for that.) I must say you guys are all very generous, turning over the rights to your videos for commercial use to a company for profit without attribution or royalties.
  9. Thanks everyone for your recommendations. He can ride the KS16X just fine; he just doesn’t like it as he wants something more nimble. I ended up taking the shortlist of V8F & KS16S to the guy I get these from & he recommended the cheaper V8F based on his own son’s experience (about the same age & weight as my kid). My son was happy with that decision & we bought the V8F. Can’t really fault it! He loves it, it goes plenty fast enough for him (& me!) & he can do solid paths/roads & light off-road trails with it, which is all he really wants to do. We spent the next day building a stand out of PVC pipes (based on my previous design for the KS16X), which was a great consolidation of what he had been learning at school in his design & tech classes – all the way from identifying a need, to design, etc, to building and troubleshooting, and design improvements for future versions. All up a good purchase for education purposes, and that’s how it’s been justified to my wife!
  10. I love how you are properly testing the new model instead of rushing something to market!
  11. Long thread, which I’ve followed since about 15 pages ago yet never managed to find this video the OP speaks of…
  12. I'm happy with my 16X, hence my thinking for a 16S. Thanks for that opinion. Not in the foreseeable future. These things are still technically illegal. And the proposed laws for "who-knows-when" state the minimum age at 16 years old. He needs someone to be able to sweet talk his way out of potential trouble. So there'll be no riding among cars & he's reliable enough to tell me about getting wet. 10-inch wheel. Stability associated with that over bumps makes me very nervous. He's on a 14-inch tyre now. Interesting idea, that a smaller tyre feels faster. I wonder whether that's one way to limit him automatically. Too heavy for him to pick up. He can ride my 16X, but can't take it up curbs, gutters, stairs, etc. Yes, but as parents know, the trick is to present something in a choice that feels like a real choice, but isn't really a real choice. A magician's force. Or a nudge, if you like.
  13. Just asking for advice. Got a fairly small 12 yr old boy who has hit the limits of a Ninebot One S2. It was my starting wheel before moving to a 16X. He can ride the 16X, but prefers the agility of the 14 inch wheel. It's just that the 21km/h practical limit is too slow on long straight wide paths. I don't want a wheel that will go 50km/h, but just a bit faster wouldn't hurt, maybe 25-30km/hr, but limited with software. I personally think a lighter 16-inch wheel would be better than another 14-inch wheel. We can't go too heavy as he already struggles to lift the One S2. So, I'm thinking, something like a KingSong 16S, but that's an older wheel. Most of the newer wheels are fast & heavy. InMotion V8f? Seems a little slow & range is limited (we did a 34km ride yesterday). Or should I consider a 14 inch MCM5? Or something else? Thanks for any advice.
  14. Was the wheel absolutely stationary when you picked it up? If the wheel was moving, then picking it up won't deactivate it. That's by design. You can imagine what would happen if you were riding along & pulled on the handle – you don't want the wheel deactivating if you're moving.
  15. Probably the same as the UK. Just old laws that banned them from the time that they were petrol-powered & noisy. Laws haven't kept up with the changes in technology & they are being considered now. Fines of up to AUD$3000 if they decide to book you in NSW.
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