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    Kingsong KS18L

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  1. Just as an update to this: I contacted E-Rides and they asked me to return the wheel and they'd re-align it. They did so and got it sent back out to me quickly in <48hrs, I'm not exactly sure what they did but they seemed to put some spacing on the mounting area on both sides around the hex screws and it looks like they did a pretty good job. I got it back and the wheel was indeed perfect for a short while, however after a few km the issue had returned and it was back to scraping, similar to what @Beachboydescribed. Had a phone call with @Afeez Kay who was extremely friendly and helpful and they've now said I can return the wheel for a refund. I was really hoping to get it working as it was the last one in stock in the UK and it seems the S20 is going to be a few months out, but I'm glad that E-Rides support was as good as it was, and will certainly be buying from them in future. I can see why so many people love the Sherman though, other than the wheel clearance issue it was a fantastic wheel. Now the wait for S20 begins.... I'm really not sure why Veteran didn't give just a couple mm more wheel clearance as that would have prevented this from happening. There's just so little room for any sort of misalignment, it seems they've got plenty of clearance on the abrams though which is good.
  2. I'd believe it if it was just one, or indeed one of the demo wheels sent to a retailer. But even ignoring the video that has been getting most of the attention, there have been two others which were actual retail units. So it seems that this is not the case.
  3. It seems the abrams has something of an issue with cutting out when accelerating or braking in what most people would consider a 'moderate' fashion. Hopefully this gets resolved Vid 1: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CXCI2SzgZ6Y/?utm_medium=share_sheet Vid 2: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CXBcqQpluli/?utm_medium=copy_link
  4. Would anyone here be able to take a quick photo or video of the gap between the inner chassis and the tyre on their sherman? Trying to get an idea of what is 'normal' https://streamable.com/nwcpr5
  5. Agh this may be even more complicated than I thought. Clearance at the front of the wheel is very even. Its just the back.... Meaning either the motor is mounted ever so slightly crooked (meaning the rear upper right grinds, but the opposite side, bottom front left, has no issue cause its outside the chassis anyway) or the chassis itself isnt entirely straight. This would be avoidable if the sherman had more than a paper-thin clearance Ill wait for e-rides to get back to me, and then open it up. Hopefully this can be sorted with some screw adjustment. Or maybe a washer in the right spot. Will have to wait and see
  6. That will be my next step Looking in, it seems that it is 100% a chassis and/or motor hub issue. Not the tyre. On the scraping side the actual rim is a fair bit closer to the chassis than the other. So the tyre positioning isn't the issue. Problem is, I don't think it's a case of loose screws as theres no give/flex when I push or pull the two sides apart. In the interest of not voiding warranty however, I'm going to email E-rides first and see what they suggest. I hope this can be fixed :/
  7. The tyre itself is well aligned. No wobble etc. It looks like the entire wheel assembly itself is a few mm closer to one side than the other. So I'd somehow need to shift the motor hub itself in order to fix the issue.
  8. Managed to get the guard sorted. Heat gun to bend it out a bit and now the mudguard sits properly in place. But, I'm getting wheel scraping with/without the mudguard whenever I put more pressure on the right side. Getting on, turning left sharply etc
  9. EDIT/UPDATE: The wheel itself is the issue not the mudguard. I get tyre scraping when more pressure is on the right side than left and the motor hub is physically closer to one side of the chassis than the other So I got a sherman yesterday, mudguard arrived today and was annoyed to find that the clearance between the mudguard and tyre is maybe 1-2mm at most. Anyone else have this? Im a little concerned for safety cause the wheel is of course moving 'up' on the rear. So if it did scrape against the tyre during a turn it might well throw me flying forward
  10. Just got my new sherman, doing the same thing, can any other veteran owners comment if this is normal? https://streamable.com/9f5mga
  11. Yeah the S20 looks perrrfect for my riding situation. I mostly ride on either country roads or moderate offroad trails (gravel tracks mostly in the New Forest), so a wheel with range, speed, but also one that is comfortable over slightly bumpy terrain is perfect. ie: the S20 The Sherman should hopefully be pretty damn good too. I don't need something super agile as I'm not doing super windy trails or anything, it's all pretty straight and open, but the big knobby tire should hopefully mean that the gravel tracks and slight bumpy terrain is handled better than my current KS18L
  12. I ended up getting a sherman which I'll probably then sell once s20 arrives. I predominantly ride on roads and on moderate off road trails so having the larger tyre and stability was ideal. Considered the v11 as the suspension would be nice but figured the veteran would be more enjoyable overall for road use
  13. Is there a particular name for the stopper/bumper things that I've seen on a few shermans such as the one below? And can anyone comment on if they work as a 'stand' of sorts such that I can park the sherman using them and it won't fall over?
  14. If it's based on kuji's feedback I'd be almost certain it's something to do with ergonomics. He apparently had a fair bit of influence over the 'foot grip' indent on the S18 so it could be something with powerpads maybe? (He also likes to lean very far forward and that might not be doable with the angle of the powerpads we've seen so far? Maybe he wants the gap widened?) OR, I'd say that maybe the width of the device is a concern, it does look pretty wide and maybe there's some optimisation to be done there in getting it a bit thinner?
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