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BleepBloopBlop last won the day on April 10 2022

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    Portland, Oregon
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    EX-N, V12, Master V1 50E, ET Max

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  1. I've checked my logs and haven't been over 41C for controller temp. It seems this problem is hit or miss for the ET Max but is relatively easy and cheap to remedy luckily for those that have high controller temperature in their logs.
  2. I spoke with Milli about the motor selection. The standard motor will be a C40 and for a small upgrade fee you can order it with the C36 Tile motor from the ET Max. All the pictures we are seeing so far are with the Tile motor. I'm very curious the difference in freespin between the C40 and C36 Tile motor. They are still making the last bit of selections on the suspension before they release the final specs sheet. She said they will start shipping in mid September.
  3. I'm expecting the Blitz to have an 55-58mph GPS top speed given it's free spin claims. Should be plenty fast for what it is. @Hsiang 70mph claim is pretty ridiculous knowing how much the GT Pro over reports speed. It with a C38 motor and taller 100/90-14 tire is probably slightly faster than a ET Max but not by much. You can't fit that tire on the ET Max as it i already maxed out tire height wise with the 90/90-14.
  4. My only concerns with this design compared to the ET Max are the buttons which don't look waterproof. I hope they use a gasket for the trolley handle as well. Otherwise I think they really killed it on this design as I see a lot of nice features over the Sherman L like the 90/90 tire, ET Max tile motor and adjustable pedal height. I think there are a lot of wins here that would make me choose it over the Sherman L regardless of price.
  5. Based on the poll it looks like they will call it the EB Bison which I don't love but it's not terrible.
  6. The ET Max charges to 4.2V per cell or 168V if you watch the smart BMS live while charging. It then bleeds the pack down to about 166V for safety so you don't over volt the battery during hard braking on a full charge. I did the same and messed with the pots in my stock charger but that didn't change the behavior as it was already set to the correct voltage. If you have a multimeter just verify your stock charger is set to 168V. If it is not turn the pot/knob closest to the charger output cable with a small 🪛 clockwise until the multimeter reads 168V.
  7. It does have it's benefits compared to the Lynx to be fair. Stock 90/90-14 tire which is a huge upgrade with custom parts on the Lynx. Lighter weight. Better pedals with adjustable pedal height. You are delusional if you don't think they benchmarked it against the Lynx to outperform it.
  8. Interest that it isn't a tile motor. I was going off of Wrongway's video from today. Why would they do a C32 Tile motor on the T4 Max and not this wheel? I watched the disassembly video from Begode showing the motor code is a HP32. I figured it was Tile magnets.
  9. The ET Max motor is a C36 Tile motor. This new motor is a C32 Tile motor. I really wouldn't be worried too much about it lacking performance.
  10. The ET Max is a C36 Tile motor. I wonder if the C32 is a tile motor as well.
  11. I think they are using spacers like the Master Pro X. That is why the 3000wh version handles so well with it's low center of gravity.
  12. People are reporting 12-14% over reporting on speed for the ET Max. I'm going to try and get some good GPS data to validate this but that's the ballpark.
  13. I imagine this wheel will be a better pavement race wheel than the Lynx due to the lower center of gravity of the battery packs. It paired with the C36 Tile motor from the ET Max should allow it to be a good upgrade over the Master V4 and Commander GT 50S C38. Alien Rides has them listed at $3200 so it's a $3040 wheel with a 5% discount code. I imagine it will be able to be charged at 20amps like the ET Max so it's a compelling wheel for those that don't need a ton of range between charges.
  14. They have corrected the charge board to do 20A? I saw Marty's reviews showing the original 3000wh model would only charge at 10A.
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