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What’s the most I can pad my KS 16s for some falls


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 Howdy guys, I was wondering, if any of you had any suggestions, at least on how I can protect my euc for falls, I was wondering, how I can prepare my KS 16s from kingsong, for the most falls, as most of us, I did the same mistake, and I didn’t buy a cheaper wheel to train on, and all I have is my KS 16s, and that ain’t cheap, I am going to try to learn how to ride it today, so help me God, cause I know I am going to fall on this thing as hell, I want to totally pad it first, I know I’m going to hurt it if I don’t, I am going to fall hard, I am at that goddamn stage, where y’all  been at before one day, and it hurts, cause I know, i am gonna scratch the heck out of my thing, that was not cheap, quite a lot I paid for it, so, since I’m ahead of the game, I was looking for some advice from you guys on what’s the best materials for padding this damn thing.

 Thank  y’all,  for your time, and God bless all y’all out there...

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There are lots of photos on the forum of people attempts at protection.  Not knowing what supplies you have access to, limits my advice to: go find yourself some medium dense foam, some double-sided tape, and cover any surface that could contact the ground when it falls over. Try and make it look neat, and integrated into the wheel.  I've seen some true horrors out there.  Do this BEFORE you try to ride; as a lot of the big falls come early on.  Of course, they come later on too, but that's the life of an EUC rider.

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I wonder if the cover designed for the Inmotion V8 would fit the KS-16? The look great, and they are removable. Maybe Jason at ewheels could check the fit. I've seen some people slip a cheap wetsuit top over the wheel to protect it. It looks weird, but it works. I wouldn't spend a ton of money on protection. A little foam in the vulnerable spots is probably all you need. One guy built a polycarbonate shell for his wheel, but it cost hundreds. For less money, you could just put on new side covers after a few months. New pads are $39, Shells are $75, and the top is about $45 (ewheels).  


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