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Kingsong 14B Handle extender?

Ogg V0rbis

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2 minutes ago, Smoother said:

what's a standing handle?

I suspect he might mean 'stand' rather than stand handle ie a way to park it; hold the EUC up and still without leaning it on anything ?

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10 hours ago, Ogg V0rbis said:

I've seen a few people open the conversation, but I wanted to see if their was any progress on someone hacking together a standing handle for Kingsongs. Any thoughts?

I simple added two hard rubber ends for a walking stick jammed onto the ends of the trolley handle bolts, it stands nicely now leaning on those. Off to work now can add a picture tomorrow.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 17 November 2016 at 4:05 PM, Keith said:

I simple added two hard rubber ends for a walking stick jammed onto the ends of the trolley handle bolts, it stands nicely now leaning on those. Off to work now can add a picture tomorrow.

I'm still waiting for that picture ?

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  • 6 months later...
On 14/12/2016 at 5:47 PM, Smoother said:

Why is your wheel standing in the dog's dinner bowl?

Didn't spot your reply at the time, it's a plastic tray to catch all the mud and water after a typical British summer day ride.

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