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important PSA announcement from wrongway regarding lynx and sherman ...


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this following video is a must-view for lynx and sherman L owners who ride their eucs HARD...

it especially affects riders who do alot of performance riding and offroad jumping, climbing stairs, hard acceleration, etc,...

timeline notes -----------------------

beginning at 2:30, wrongway makes the distinction between casual use of the euc, and extreme use cases of the euc.  for casual riders
they may never experience issues such as pedal dipping forward, etc,...

3:58, wrongway explains what the problem is...

11:17 wrongway explains quick response from begode...


frankly,  im not surprised at how leaperkim is treating and ignoring wrongways requests to investigate and solve the problem.  but what is more surprising is begodes quick response for a fix in the blitz where he got immediate attention.

i own a lynx and since im a very mild rider, i may never see this kind of behavior from my euc.  but i would really appreciate it if leaperkim would admit that their firmware has a problem and solve it.  this will go a long way in bolstering trust in the leaperkim brand name - i certainly hope they understand what that means.

after rewatching the video again, i do understand why wrongway is strongly asking leaperkim to address this problem.  he is not over-reacting and panicking about what he is experiencing.  he simply just wants them to change the firmware to behave as it should when the euc is pushed near its limits - to not simply lean forward and cutout before warning signals...

if ever a time when leaperkim should step up and give some positive response to a leaperkim owner,  it perhaps should be now...

Edited by bpong
add abit more content and context...
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On 9/10/2024 at 9:07 AM, bpong said:


this following video is a must-view for lynx and sherman owners:

it especially affects riders who do alot of performance riding and offroad jumping.

frankly,  im not surprised at how leaperkim is treating and ignoring wrongways requests to investigate and solve the problem.  perhaps the only way to get the point across is to stop purchasing leaperkim eucs until they admit to and address the software problem.

i own a lynx and since im a very mild rider, hopefully i may never see this kind of behavior from my euc.  but i would really appreciate it if leaperkim would admit that their firmware has a problem and solve it.  this will go a long way in bolstering trust in the leaperkim brand name - i certainly hope they understand what that means.

otherwise, they will certainly begin losing potential customers...



Thank you for bringing Wrong Way's message to the Forum. ~maverick 

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2 hours ago, Maverick said:

Thank you for bringing Wrong Way's message you the Forum. ~maverick 

your thank you is redirected at wrong way.  i just hope his findings point at the device and not simply a rider demanding more from the device than it can provide to the rider.  if that is the case,  some major apologizing is in order along with a healthy serving of humility.  im hoping its something leaperkim can address either in the firmware side of things or worse still, a whole new control board to all customers since the inception of the lynx model.  hopefully there will be more information in the following weeks ahead...wishful thinking on my part...

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I think this whole thing is blown out of proportion and I'm not talking about Wrong Ways (and others) experience with pedal dipping.

So in essence the problem he is presenting is that the wheel can pedal dip on large jumps and according to some other sources also if you heavily leaning into the wheel that is configured in soft mode with full acceleration assist (read: as a donkey), from these two scenarios suddenly the community is having a meltdown, Lynx is unsafe, downgrade firmware, "I planned to buy a Lynx but now I wont", it's completely ridiculous and blown out of proportion by the community.

The reason he made this video was not because it's a dangerous wheel for the average rider it's because he is experiencing a specific problem that he wants LeaperKim to address, meanwhile a lot of Lynx and steadily rising Sherman L owners are enjoying their wheels without any dangerous problems.

Should LeaperKim work to address these potential issues? Certainly. But community also needs to do a reality check and get a grip.

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51 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

I think this whole thing is blown out of proportion and I'm not talking about Wrong Ways (and others) experience with pedal dipping.

So in essence the problem he is presenting is that the wheel can pedal dip on large jumps and according to some other sources also if you heavily leaning into the wheel that is configured in soft mode with full acceleration assist (read: as a donkey), from these two scenarios suddenly the community is having a meltdown, Lynx is unsafe, downgrade firmware, "I planned to buy a Lynx but now I wont", it's completely ridiculous and blown out of proportion by the community.

The reason he made this video was not because it's a dangerous wheel for the average rider it's because he is experiencing a specific problem that he wants LeaperKim to address, meanwhile a lot of Lynx and steadily rising Sherman L owners are enjoying their wheels without any dangerous problems.

Should LeaperKim work to address these potential issues? Certainly. But community also needs to do a reality check and get a grip.

For performance riders it's a pretty concerning issue. Especially the PEV point of view video where he was just leaning into it on flat ground like he would on his cpro c40 50s and it dips like that. To have to use hard mode no accel assist is a real bummer. Without this issue being addressed I'd take the cpro c40 for that reason alone despite its inferior suspension forks. You're right, most people won't find that limit....but if you're a performance rider it's a big bummer. It's supposed to be a 151v do-it-all performance wheel.

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31 minutes ago, Suzuha said:

For performance riders it's a pretty concerning issue. Especially the PEV point of view video where he was just leaning into it on flat ground like he would on his cpro c40 50s and it dips like that. To have to use hard mode no accel assist is a real bummer. Without this issue being addressed I'd take the cpro c40 for that reason alone despite its inferior suspension forks. You're right, most people won't find that limit....but if you're a performance rider it's a big bummer. It's supposed to be a 151v do-it-all performance wheel.

Lots of "performance" riders ride without experiencing any issues, racers, off-roaders, jumpers (hello Shibby Time), with acceleration assist, furthermore he says it dipped in Vienna when he jumped there and that was well before acceleration assist firmware so what he is describing doesn't even have anything to do with acceleration assist.

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Regarding pedal dipping, I've recently had a weird behaviour (latest firmware) when I've been riding rather slowly on a newly harvested field. Very bumpy, but that's nothing new. This occurs only when I ride on this field. Very severe pedal dipping (forward and backwards, turns and no turns). I have a theory that the half cut straws scrape the underside of the wheel (battery boxes) and that creates some static electricity that confuses the board. But I don't know. Just to add to the conversation that pedal dipping indeed occurs on this firmware and it has nothing to do with jumping or performance riding in my case. 

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2 minutes ago, UniVehje said:

Regarding pedal dipping, I've recently had a weird behaviour (latest firmware) when I've been riding rather slowly on a newly harvested field. Very bumpy, but that's nothing new. This occurs only when I ride on this field. Very severe pedal dipping (forward and backwards, turns and no turns). I have a theory that the half cut straws scrape the underside of the wheel (battery boxes) and that creates some static electricity that confuses the board. But I don't know. Just to add to the conversation that pedal dipping indeed occurs on this firmware and it has nothing to do with jumping or performance riding in my case. 

The important thing is that you didn't die.

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9 hours ago, Skampster said:

Yes, my opinion is that the community try to force wheels to do what they think they should, not the other way round. 


2 hours ago, Rawnei said:

I think this whole thing is blown out of proportion and I'm not talking about Wrong Ways (and others) experience with pedal dipping.


The reason he made this video was not because it's a dangerous wheel for the average rider it's because he is experiencing a specific problem that he wants LeaperKim to address, meanwhile a lot of Lynx and steadily rising Sherman L owners are enjoying their wheels without any dangerous problems.

Should LeaperKim work to address these potential issues? Certainly. But community also needs to do a reality check and get a grip.

rawnei's initial remarks IMO best summarize what wrongways video represents.  rawnei's warning about not over-reacting is much appreciated...

perhaps leaperkim and the other manufacturers should provide another version of their firmware designed to remove certain limitations and restrictions on the control board so that high performance riders can exploit the euc further.   the caveat being, though,  that the rider installs and uses this type of firmware AS IS,  and the manufacturer is not responsible for any injury suffered during its use, and the manufacturer is also not responsible for any hardware and control board failures because of the specific design of this firmware.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do not understand this, I see lYNX LYNX LYNX LYNX LYNX LYNX LYNX LYNX 1 year long???  , every where, on the racetrack preforming super ( seen live ), cornering better then my Maxter, he has the same speed but rides very different.   Jumping I see everywhere. Indeed shiby,  I just got me one LYNX to go racing. What to do with the updates on firmware  ??   can you return in update?  no idea what the lynx firmware will have in the box.  Trub talked about version7 in the reaction on wrongway video, Maybe this is a bit clouded by blitz enthousiasm?? B) Oneride versus Topspin ??? 

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32 minutes ago, DE WOLF said:

I do not understand this, I see lYNX LYNX LYNX LYNX LYNX LYNX LYNX LYNX 1 year long???  , every where, on the racetrack preforming super ( seen live ), cornering better then my Maxter, he has the same speed but rides very different.   Jumping I see everywhere. Indeed shiby,  I just got me one LYNX to go racing. What to do with the updates on firmware  ??   can you return in update?  no idea what the lynx firmware will have in the box.  Trub talked about version7 in the reaction on wrongway video, Maybe this is a bit clouded by blitz enthousiasm?? B) Oneride versus Topspin ??? 

You can downgrade firmware using EUC World but I recommend trying .11 and form your own opinion and LeaperKim is supposedly working on the issue that Wrong Way is experiencing.

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The problem with wrong way is that his emotions overtake his rationality and reason. This is a common problem with folks that usually have blue or pink hair.

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44 minutes ago, Skampster said:

The problem with wrong way is that his emotions overtake his rationality and reason. This is a common problem with folks that usually have blue or pink hair.

If half the gossip I have read about him is true then the colored hair makes perfect sense  

I wish they had sent the demos units in the past to isthereanyfood instead as I found the videos entertaining and closer to a regular rider without bias. Plus you would have had the group (inc Rawnei) to give different views of any new EUC.   

A major missed opportunity in my eyes. 

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2 hours ago, Rawnei said:

You can downgrade firmware using EUC World but I recommend trying .11 and form your own opinion and LeaperKim is supposedly working on the issue that Wrong Way is experiencing.

Thanks , next week I have the lynx in my house. 

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 Yes, a prime example in a recent video where he is complaining about the lynx charger cycling on and off at the end of the charge as all LeaperKim chargers will do, without taking any consideration or research to the fact that if you plug-in a begode charger to a LeaperKim wheel it will behave the same. That same charger won’t behave that way on a begode wheel. It’s got nothing to do with the charger, but how the charger reacts with the BMS. Someone like wrong way should know these things, especially before he goes public about it. My biggest gripe with Youtubers, especially apparently well-informed ones don’t get their facts straight before they open their mouth. This is the problem we have today with fear mongering over things that aren’t really that big of a deal.

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1 hour ago, Skampster said:

My biggest gripe with Youtubers, especially apparently well-informed ones don’t get their facts straight before they open their mouth. This is the problem we have today with fear mongering over things that are really that big of a deal.

Unfortunately, these drama queens, who are usually not well versed in the technical realm in the first place, and who are too lazy to do some fact checking first, ending up spreading FUD, instead of facts, and useful information. 

Probably, these are the same folks who believe in the "fake it "till you make it" mantra.

Amd they don't seem to get all embarrassed about it.

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12 minutes ago, Jason McNeil said:

There's a new v5.0.12 update coming in the next few days:
1. Further firmware refinements/optimizations 
2. Acceleration assist turned off by default 
3. Raised the max power output limit from 300A to 330A
4. Time out limit extended to 15min—not sure what the purpose of this is


Hey Jason,

Do you think you can seek some clarification regarding this update from LeaperKim?

On YouTube jack wrote this today regarding the pedal dipping issue:


But what you wrote doesn't touch at all upon that, or are LeaperKim suggesting that the issue is with acceleration assist?

Not sure what to take away from this.

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2 hours ago, joyrider said:

I use the timeout feature while cooking. I set it and when I hear my wheel fall over in the garage I know my Ribeye is done to perfection.

so what will the done-ness of your steak be,  medium rare or well done ?

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2 hours ago, Jason McNeil said:

There's a new v5.0.12 update coming in the next few days:


mr. McNeil;

did leaperkim provide any more details on solving the tilt forward motion on the wheel during extreme maneuvers ?

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Just checked for the availability of this fw update on the lynx. Not available yet 🤷

Hopefully someday they fix the PWM reporting to phone apps such as EUC world - this is a real safety issue that needs to be fixed ASAP but is sadly neglecting. I'm not holding my breath that it'll ever happen 😭

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1 hour ago, WheelGoodTime said:

Hopefully someday they fix the PWM reporting to phone apps such as EUC world - this is a real safety issue that needs to be fixed ASAP but is sadly neglecting. I'm not holding my breath that it'll ever happen 😭

That being said, do you not trust the lynx’s own PWM?

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