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Begode EXN Charging Issue - Need Advice


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Hi everyone,

I’ve been having an issue with charging my Begode EXN, and I’m hoping someone here might have some advice or similar experience.

Here’s the situation: Over the past few charge cycles, I’ve noticed a problem where the charger stops working after being connected to the wheel. When I plug the charger into the wall, the green light comes on as expected, but when I connect it to the wheel, I hear a clicking/popping sound near the connection, and the charger immediately shuts off (no lights, even though it's still plugged into the wall). It’s happened four times now.

For the first three charge sessions, I managed to get it to work by tapping, shaking the charger, and repeatedly reconnecting it. However, today it completely failed, and I can’t get it to charge at all. It also feels unsafe to keep trying.

I’m not sure if the issue is with the charger or the wheel. There’s even some sparking when I plug the (unpowered) charger into the wheel, and I hear a “click” sound at the connection point. The wheel itself works fine (currently at 60% battery). Unfortunately, I don’t have another charger to test, and there’s no nearby store where I can check this.

I tried measuring the output with a multimeter, but the charger only stays on for a few seconds, and once it even tripped the breakers in my apartment. I suspect either the charger is damaged or the BMS/battery in the wheel is causing the issue.

Has anyone else had a similar issue with their EXN or other wheels? Could it be just the charger, or should I be looking into the BMS or battery? Any help would be greatly appreciated before I go ahead and buy a new charger.

Thanks in advance!

Edited by billi
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Sounds like a faulty charger to me.  See if you can try another riders charger.

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I can't tell you what is going on, only that this sounds similar to what happened to me before my RS19 erupted into a battery fire. 


You need to open up the EXN and make sure it's not using the M50T cell by LG. If it's using those cells you need to start parking the wheel outdoors, especially considering the described behavior.

Hopefully the issue is just some cable being loose in the charger, if that is the case you should be able to solder the connection yourself.

Maybe the charger is faulty? It sounds like it could have a short circuit going on considering that it tripped your breaker. 

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Posted (edited)

I once heard about the issue of fires in Begode wheels and read a lot about it, but I ignored the topic because the wheel cost me a lot of money, and replacing the battery is also expensive. After your response, I looked into the issue again and most likely, I have the safer LG M50LT batteries. The fire risk is associated with the LG M50L. Why do I say 'most likely'? I have the exn V2 wheel, which is the newer version of the EXN. (not old first version V1, (LGM50T used in the older V11, old RS, S18, Nikola 100V, MSP, first batch EX, first batch Monster PRO.)) I wrote to the seller who sold me the wheel in December 2021, and they said it’s most likely the M50LT. I disassembled the wheel to check, but unfortunately, the labels on the battery are not visible—they seem to be on the back. The battery is strongly attached, and I don't want to mess with it or tear anything. I'm simply afraid that if I peel them off to read the label, it might cause issues while riding or something later. But still, when I was researching the fire issues again, I found a product called FireBall, and for safety, I'll buy two of those and place them near the wheel

Edited by billi
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2 hours ago, billi said:

I once heard about the issue of fires in Begode wheels and read a lot about it, but I ignored the topic because the wheel cost me a lot of money, and replacing the battery is also expensive. After your response, I looked into the issue again and most likely, I have the safer LG M50LT batteries. The fire risk is associated with the LG M50L. Why do I say 'most likely'? I have the exn V2 wheel, which is the newer version of the EXN. (not old first version V1, (LGM50T used in the older V11, old RS, S18, Nikola 100V, MSP, first batch EX, first batch Monster PRO.)) I wrote to the seller who sold me the wheel in December 2021, and they said it’s most likely the M50LT. I disassembled the wheel to check, but unfortunately, the labels on the battery are not visible—they seem to be on the back. The battery is strongly attached, and I don't want to mess with it or tear anything. I'm simply afraid that if I peel them off to read the label, it might cause issues while riding or something later. But still, when I was researching the fire issues again, I found a product called FireBall, and for safety, I'll buy two of those and place them near the wheel

Sorry I may have been mistaken in suspecting your EXN having the dangerous M50T cell. I do clearly remember the original EX used them too, so maybe that's where I went wrong. 
In any case, if a fire does erupt those Fireballs won't do much but very temporarily decrease the size of the flames. Once a cell has thermal run away the surrounding cells will all heat up and  erupt themselves. You have to either let it burn out or somehow submerge the battery pack entirely, to be safe. I was able to put my fire out with water but that's because the cells had already burned up, I was putting out the fire on the plastic.

Since you're from Sweden you'll have real stone or concrete walls, not wood or paper so the chance of the fire spreading and burning down the whole house is considerably lower, even so I'd still recommend either parking outside(overkill, yeah) or making sure it's not blocking an exit. Once chargers start misbehaving it becomes important to understand your battery health especially considering the age of that model. 

Edited by xiiijojjo
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Do you know if it's possible to identify the battery without seeing the sticker? As I mentioned, I don't want to remove the battery from the casing. Is there any way to recognize it through the cable or connector? Or maybe it can be identified through an app like EUC World? As I mentioned, I'm 90% sure based on what I've read that I have an LG 50LT battery.


Having a fireball definitely won’t hurt; even if it doesn't extinguish a burning wheel, it might give me valuable time to react, potentially minimizing the damage. The explosion of the ball itself might also alert you if you haven't noticed the fire, so it's certainly better to have it than not.

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31 minutes ago, billi said:

Do you know if it's possible to identify the battery without seeing the sticker?

I don't think so, but the batteries are just attached using regular doublesided tape, whenever I've removed mine in older gotway models I never had to reapply new tape as it still adheres after removing the batteries several times. 

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It sounds like your charger is dead. The EXN sparks when connected to a "dead" charger and will try to charge the capacitor in it.
I guess you got lucky a few times and that was enough to kickstart it.... but sparks mean no.

Who is the seller?

What tire do you have?

We still have a couple of EXN LGM50T riders in the group.

Could you show us a couple of photos of the inside of your EXN?

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1 hour ago, Mike Sacristan said:

It sounds like your charger is dead. The EXN sparks when connected to a "dead" charger and will try to charge the capacitor in it.
I guess you got lucky a few times and that was enough to kickstart it.... but sparks mean no.

Who is the seller?

What tire do you have?

We still have a couple of EXN LGM50T riders in the group.

Could you show us a couple of photos of the inside of your EXN?

Sparks" might be an overstatement. I've always felt and heard a slight click when trying to connect the charger to the wheel, but recently, when it was dark in the room, I noticed a blue flash at the moment of that click. I bought the wheel around late 2022 (November or December) from personalelectricvehicles.co.uk (PEV). The tire is the original one that comes with the HT version, which is the off-road type.

After opening the wheel, I couldn't see any labels from the battery manufacturer. They must be on the underside of the battery, and I haven't tried removing it since it's glued to the casing, and I didn't want to pry it off. However, I'm almost certain I have the LG M50LT batteries. I contacted the seller some time ago to ask about the batteries, and they told me it's most likely the M50LT, but they weren't entirely sure either.

From what I know, the LGM50T batteries were used in older models like the V11, early RS, S18, Nikola 100V, MSP, and the first batch of the EX. I’m certain I have the EXN V2, the upgraded version with the changed wheel bearing (or the rim) and the large hole inside the casing sealed. I researched the improvements made compared to the first EXN version and confirmed that my unit has those upgrades. Additionally, the M50L battery was likely produced and installed until 2018, so I’m almost sure I have the M50LT.

Regarding the photos, what exactly are you interested in? Do you want pictures of the battery?

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