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Ninebot Cut in wire


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I opened my ninebot today on the batterie side and noticed on the Red wire not attached into the batterie but the wire coming from the ninbot that connects into the batterie theres a cut, I put 2 pictures, my question is can i place electric tape over this and re seal it or would i need to buy another w/e this wire is connected to, mostly for damage and fire concern.

Also today when i was cleaning the ninebot with a bit of water the ninebot was still on and started to beep nonstop for about 2 minutes and i couldnt not power it down at all, like it was stuck on and constantly beeping then finally it stoped and i was able to turn it off and back on normally, anyone know why it did that. I just got it a few weeks ago and want to take the best care for it as possible, 



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I have also had this issue with the wire splitting and have used electrical tape to reseal. In my case, I'm pretty sure it's related to the design of the inside of the battery cover combined with doing hops and curb drops. A significant crash may also cause similar damage. Ninebot should also perhaps look to use wire which is better protected and more resistant to this kind of wear and tear. You may also notice some wear on the battery where it can rub and knock against the inside of the cover. Other users of this forum have suggested some modifications (padding) which may prevent this (E.g.: http://forum.electricunicycle.org/topic/2869-preventive-maintenance-battery-cover-padding-and-sealing/ ).

Since first noticing this issue, I now check the condition of all the wires leading from the battery compartment, and the battery pack on a weekly basis. 

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Do you think this would be coverer by warranty since its a default in the leg padding. If other people have this issue it should be something for the company to fix im assuming.


Ty for the reply btw =)

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11 hours ago, axels90 said:

... and noticed on the Red wire not attached into the batterie but the wire coming from the ninbot that connects into the batterie theres a cut, ..., my question is can i place electric tape over this and re seal it or would i need to buy another w/e this wire is connected to, mostly for damage and fire concern.

Could be ok with resealibg it with an electric tape, bur also could be that already too many strands broke/got "bad" and you'll get heat/fire/connection issues. So for a short term fix seal it, but in the long run the wire should be replaced.

11 hours ago, axels90 said:

Also today when i was cleaning the ninebot with a bit of water the ninebot was still on and started to beep nonstop for about 2 minutes and i couldnt not power it down at all, like it was stuck on and constantly beeping then finally it stoped and i was able to turn it off and back on normally, anyone know why it did that. I just got it a few weeks ago and want to take the best care for it as possible, 

The ip65 stated for ninebot (not anymore on the most new ninebot websides) is an outhright lie - be very carefull with water! For driving it should be mostly ok in rain, but cleaning it with "much" water from all sides could easily kill it - especially if its turned on!

3 minutes ago, axels90 said:

Do you think this would be covered by warranty since its a default in the leg padding. If other people have this issue it should be something for the company to fix im assuming.

In theory yes - depending on your reseller ... Normally in my country in the warranty period e reseller has to prove, that you did not handle it right or replace/repair/refound the unit. So depending on the reseller you could be forced to make a law suit and have no wheel to drive for quite some time... So lets hope you have a fair and competent reseller!

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