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Could you get a ticket for a small 20km/h wheel like the KS 14M?

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How to keep riding without being chased by motorcycle cops? Just ride a smaller wheel?

I think riding a small wheel is totally fun and ok with me! I mean as long as I keep riding I'm happy. Of course I rather ride something like an s22, v11 or Monster but not a fan of being a target for harassment by sheeppolice just think they're doing a job...I do think this will giving warnings and tickets for EUC will fade just like how they used to ticket everyone for flying drones has stoped.

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Smart thinking. In china it's like that. If you ride something cute they really don't want the hassle. You just get warnings or you're asked to ride on/off the sidewalk etc. It's great because I see other riders on larger vehicles getting stopped sometimes and held for a long time.

The most powerful smaller wheels are Gotway wheels. I have the entire 84v lineup. Still going on strong in 2024.

My only setback was when they stopped allowing battery vehicles on subways and light rail. Now I have to resort to buses if it rains or something. Which isn't always the best choice in a city with nearly 10M people.

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7 hours ago, alcatraz said:

Smart thinking. In china it's like that. If you ride something cute they really don't want the hassle.

Even if they did try to ticket for riding a small wheel what could they charge with?

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In your jurisdiction, the Motor Vehicle Act does not permit people to use devices such as solowheels, hoverboards or electric skateboards and unicycles on public roads, including bike lanes and sidewalks.

The law doesn't specify allowances for the size of the EUC.

If you're ticketed, you can always make your size argument to the judge in court.

Contact your local politician and ask them to support changing the law.

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Imagine police ticketing a kid riding those 1mph motorized tiny kids cars. 

They don't do that so every officer has a line that when you cross it you become ticket-able. 

Show up with a Sherman or a V8 could make all the difference.

Sadly, and this is going to sound controversial, the more gear you wear the more you look like you're going fast and far. So my way of thinking applies to gear aswell. Full face helmet bearers will get ticketed before a bike helmet rider.

This is why I ride with minimal gear riding the most toy-ish looking wheels (with the most power) at speeds that won't kill me if I fall. Then you'll ride with the least amount of hassle. For me these are wheels like Kingsong 16S, V8, Tesla, 18XL, MCM5. My guilty pleasure is my MSX. I look at it like this. An Msx for a 65kg rider is of similar power/torque that of a Lynx for a 120kg rider. Let the larger guys ride the monster wheels and get the cops used to seeing them. Sure they'll get 90% of the tickets but they're doing the community a great favor.

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And i personally ride with only wrist guards. No helmet, no nothing. Same time i'm going around 20-25km/h on sidewalks. (By law we aren't allowed to ride with cars here. And can ride only sidewalks.) Only time i'm wearing helmet and knee guards - is when i go for fun rides and do ~40km/h speeds. Otherwise i'm commuting only with wrist guards and people don't care what i'm riding. If i had full body suit, helmet, boots, etc.. etc.. People would think i'm crazy and everybody would look at me like i'm crazy. (We don't have EUC riders around here that many. I have only seen ~7 EUC spotting's over 3 years.)

And for fact that we aren't allowed to ride on streets with cars. Any smaller EUC will not bring that much attention in first place. My first and only EUC is ks18xl and for next one i'm looking for something lighter/smaller, mostly because i have found out that i don't need 1554Wh battery and speed wise i would be satisfied with anything that can go at least 40km/h.

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On 3/29/2024 at 12:52 AM, alcatraz said:

Sadly, and this is going to sound controversial, the more gear you wear the more you look like you're going fast and far. So my way of thinking applies to gear aswell. Full face helmet bearers will get ticketed before a bike helmet rider.

That might be true in some cases, but sometimes the opposite applies. In my conversations with local police for example, most of them have commented that they haven't felt a need to stop me because one look tells them I am taking safety very seriously, and they can see I have gone to some effort to avoid taking up emergency service time and personnel if it all goes wrong. So that particular sword can swing both ways... 

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8 hours ago, alcatraz said:

It's in their power to do so.

It's probably quite a lot of tedious admin for them to do so. I certainly hope it is ! :)

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As long as we're not hurting anybody I think the police chief would be annoyed with any officer bringing in a rider, wasting time and resources, and giving the police a negative image. AS LONG AS the elderly don't protest against us forcing action on their part. Karens I'm not too worried about. Police know who they are.

Our good behavior and image all add up for a smooth transition to an euc rich world. :)

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