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Does NB1 have an inactivity timer shutdown?


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Today while sitting at my desk I was using my NB1 as a footrest.  It was powered on, underfoot for roughly 30 minutes.   I wan't putting any stressful load on the motor, just feet swaying fwd/bwd once in a while. 

>It shut off at roughly the 30 minute mark.< 

Does the wheel have a countdown timer which shuts down after a period of inactivity?  I've never had a problem with the wheel.   If there is an inactivity timer, I'd like to learn more about it.  It seems like a point of failure if that timer isn't fed proper information.  Perhaps I was being particularly still for a few minutes and it satisfied the inactivity requirement.

Update: As a test, I just left the bot on while tipped against the wall and it shut down within 10 minutes, two beeps were sounded during the shutdown.

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