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EUC World - Screen burning

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Is there any option in EUC World to avoid screen burning ? Like changing text colour, maybe, to avoid activating blue pixels?

My phone is already nicely burnt, but I'd like to avoid this on the next one.




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29 minutes ago, OldFartRides said:

Don’t need to be looking at the phone while riding, RIGHT ?

Oh I dunno - I have disabled all my screen savers and power saving so mine stays on so I can see it at a glance. I haven't had any duff pixels through that so far (Samsung A13). Not sure if the dark layout I am running makes any difference there ?

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I'm running the dark layout on my One Plus 7 Pro, at maximum brightness.

Burning appeared after approximately 6 months, so about 350 hours of riding.

I'm using it as a dashboard. So constantly checking for speed and temperature (paranoid after V12 HS fried mobo).

That's the whole point of this app for me (aside from the CSV logs).

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