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Quick question

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Alright guys I guess the stock speed alarms were still on it because I didn't think to adjust them but otw back my wheel said slow down so I did. But my first alarm was set at 16mph but in EUC world I can set the alarm at 45 mph and I have a KS16x 2022 version. Can it go that fast or is it bs?

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No,  you might get up to 28mph gps.  It will cut out soon afterwards if you push it. 

Edited by Paradox
Lowered gps speed.
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The speed reported by the wheel will be exaggerated by 6% compared to gps.  Stay below 30, as viewed on your app, and your good. 

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Learn about over leans and cut outs now before they happen.    Respect the alarms.

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~30mph... If you are more heavy rider - try to stay under 28mph. That is if you don't like to eat dirt.

If you go faster and ignore alarms - you will crash. The wheel will simply power off.. And you will hit the ground like hammer on nail! (Try standing on euc while it's powered off. See what happens.)

Edited by Funky
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The 16X has a non-resettable factory tilt back at about 31 mph wheel (not GPS) speed. If you set the alarm to 45 mph, it'll basically never sound.

As others have said, if you push the 16X above 28 you're really gambling. An experienced rider on a calm day on flat brand new pavement can cruise at 30 maybe 31, but they are so close to disaster it's not something I'd ever recommend.

My EUCWorld alarms are set at 25, 27, and 28 with tiltback at 29. Single beep at 25 says "be careful, you're close". Double beep at 27 says "no sudden moves, smoooooooth". Triple beep at 28 says "SLOW DOWN RIGHT NOW (with foul language in the middle and at the end)". In reality, I back off at single beeps cuz I don't heal fast anymore. At 25, it'll take a hardware failure to put you down—broken hardware does happen but it's considerably more rare than over leans.

Edited by Tawpie
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