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Disable Alarm - TG-T3

Henrik Olsen

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It's annoying if you ride it on an empty sidewalk. I left it as is so that other pedestrians know you are coming from behind. If there is a way, I would like to kill the pedal tilt back instead. My next wheel will not have a tilt back, at least below 11-12 mph..

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I agree the beeping is annoying, and with the tilt-back it's hard to imagine going too fast without breaking off your ankles first. On the Firewheel i wouldn't disable the speaker since the warnings are more like a "you are about to die".  :D

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 On the Firewheel i wouldn't disable the speaker since the warnings are more like a "you are about to die".  :D

Indeed, the Firewheel tilts back at about 30km/h, by a huge acceleration, if you are not an experimented rider, you fall. As usual, the way the features are implemented on the FW defies logic (like loud buzz at 18km/h and nearly inaudible warning at 25km/h instead of the other way round). You wonder if their "protection" schemes are not designed specifically to harm you instead !


So the speaker is a life saver for beginners. But for someone riding mostly at 25km/h like me, it's really annoying. I have connected the speaker to the "mode" switch and most of times, I desactivate it and use this Sunding bike computer to know the speed (among other usefull data). Note that the bike-computer is much more readable, especially in sunny conditions, than the nearly useless battery indicator.



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Just a quick question, I usually slow down on my firewheel when the voice says "speed too high" (I have a 1st gen) and that is at a real 19 kph. You are saying I could continue accelerating to 30 kph before it shuts off?

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