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Gotway Monster Charger


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Does anyone’s Monster wheel when connected to charger start off at 80%?


My wheel battery charge died on me today in the middle of my destination.


Apparently after 4 miles  i was at 0% according to the app.

had to carry the damn thing home,when i connect to charger ,charger indicates 80 and slowly going up…is this the percentage?

if so why does it start at 80 ?

Any answers would be mostly appreciated thanks 🙏 




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Welcome @Chilo,

1 hour ago, Chilo said:

My wheel battery charge died on me today in the middle of my destination.

How did it "die"?

Was this after some normal, to be expected range or

1 hour ago, Chilo said:

Apparently after 4 miles  i was at 0% according to the app.

from "quite full" to zero within this 4 miles?

If so this reminds on the old ninebot one e+ bms, which turned off at overburden and got reactivated by connecting to the charger. Or by dis- and reconnecting the batteries from the wheel.

This would mean begode has now overcurrent protection or is this an ewheels bms?

1 hour ago, Chilo said:

home,when i connect to charger ,charger indicates 80 and slowly going up…is this the percentage?

if so why does it start at 80 ?

Most likely because the battery was still at about 80% and "got reactivated" while you carried it home or once you conected it to the charger.

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2 hours ago, Chilo said:

had to carry the damn thing home

WOW. You are either a power lifter or very patient. I would be hitting it with a hammer if I had to carry it home on my first ride.

Do keep a very close eye on it while it's charging until it proves itself. Going to 0% and recovering to 80% is highly unusual and may indicate a serious battery pack issue. I would be concerned.

Also, grab a copy of EUCWorld before your next ride and turn on CSV logging (and tour logging). That'll track what's happening to the battery as you ride and should give some clues as to the overall health of the battery.

Edited by Tawpie
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