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Latest firmware for a ks 18L?


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I just bought a used 18L that's on v1.11 firmware. The kingsong app says that is the latest but on EUC world app it says 2.03 is the latest. When I connect on EUC world app I get no live data though, and it won't allow me to update from it (greyed out). Anyone know what firmware I should be on and how i go about getting it? It's a 2018 model unicycle if that makes any odds. Thanks

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Mine are on fw 2.03 nowadays i think. The KS app is total crap, try not to use it. Are you sure your wheel is connected to eucw? It should beep a few times when it does. Theres a green dot at top of eucw front screen. If you hit it, a BT icon shows next to it. Hit that icon and itll search for you wheel. No password needed. Make sure you are disconnected from the ks app. Again, the KS app wins the prize for worst app EVER. Even after the app updates.

Lastly.. congrats on the KS18L. It is one of the best general purpose wheels a person could own(for now that is). I started on an 18L and its still wonderful, even many months later. You want to see what cable management and battery box protection SHOULD look like? Open up the 18L and peek. Of course when they went to the 18xl, they undermined all that perfection and just crammed more batteries in and lost the cable management and battery box. Can anyone say... last minute BS addon? :)

Welcome to the nuthouse and again, congrats!

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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Thanks for the welcome Shane. I have only been out twice on it so far but loving the experience. Been mainly practicing on a football field as it is more forgiving on the body. Still involves lots of arm flapping to stay upright but i am getting better. 

Not sure what I am doing wrong on the EUC world app. It shows green and says connected but there is no live data. I can change lights, speed controls and a few other things in the app, but just cant get any live data. Calibration and firmware are both greyed out too, although it shows an upgrade is available. I have cleared the password in the kingsong app and made sure it is closed when trying but it is just not connecting properly.


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Wise choice on the football field. I too used grass for a first little bit. Its definitely more forgiving than asphalt!

It sounds like you're connected to eucw just fine. If you can change the lights and such, that pretty much answers that. Have you tried the bluetooth music on it? Its not related, but just figured you may as well, since you're kind of testing and learning new things. I apologize I can't be much help. Some wheels are locked to speed by region, but this really shouldnt have anything to do with it not reading live data. Maybe your FW is too old and eucw isnt talking on that 'channel' anymore for FW. Obviously I'm not a programmer. Hopefully @Seba just heard me mention his name and his ears twitched. He's the man when it comes to eucw and firmwares on this stuff.

You could always try darknessBot, to see if it also can't read live data. Of course thats IOS. Good thing is its riding and thats what really counts. Hopefully you can get this sorted before you get good enough it REALLY starts to bother you. The newer firmwares are nice, as they make the whine of the machine go away. Of course, KS has good fw and the older FW is probably just dandy as well. I do find it troubling that you can't calibrate it?

Riding advice.. Take your time. I didnt find (still don't) that riding an euc is always as easy as everyone seems to say it is. Perhaps Im just slow, but i still had a blast taking my time in learning. Set yourself a very easy goal and aim for it. Shorter sessions everyday are magical in the beginning. Don't hurt yourself or get too sore and frustrated at any point. Relax, enjoy the magic and let that brain process overnight.

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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If you can find someone on iOS, look for SoftTuner, it’s the KS firmware loader. If you do get it, log in as a guest user (no password required), I think authorized techs get to do more with it than ordinary folk but it does have all the various firmware available. I’d recommend upgrading the firmware if you can, there was mention of an improved charging algorithm and folks seem very happy on 2.02 or above.

EUCW does have the ability to unbrick a wheel that has had a firmware disaster, but you may need to get Seba involved.

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Thanks for your replies, I managed to borrow my daughters iphone and try through the DarknessBot app but it said same thing as the kingsong app, ie v1.11 is latest firmware and no update available. Didn't have time to try the SoftTuner app, so may still be hope. Will find out when i see her next week. If not then I guess I am just stuck with the kingsong app. Not a massive deal as it rides fine for me to learn on. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Managed to borrow my daughters iphone this afternoon and SoftTuner was able to update to 2.09. It now connects properly to EUC world app as well. Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated. It has made it quieter, and also more responsive. Noticeably more responsive acceleration and brakes are much sharper. Very happy. 

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On 6/20/2021 at 3:13 AM, Issif said:

Calibration and firmware are both greyed out

Your wheel could be made for Chinese markets only, a so called “P” wheel. Check your serial number in EUCW or DarknessBot, is the last letter (fourth digit from the right) a “P”?

 If it is, DO NOT EVEN START THE KS APP!!! It will probably brick your wheel.

 If the wheel has been bought in 2019, you should be able to contact KS and ask them to whitelist the wheel, but it will take several days to do so.

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On 7/3/2021 at 4:47 AM, mrelwood said:

Your wheel could be made for Chinese markets only, a so called “P” wheel. Check your serial number in EUCW or DarknessBot, is the last letter (fourth digit from the right) a “P”?

 If it is, DO NOT EVEN START THE KS APP!!! It will probably brick your wheel.

 If the wheel has been bought in 2019, you should be able to contact KS and ask them to whitelist the wheel, but it will take several days to do so.

Thanks for your concern, the problem was only when connecting to the EUC world app. It turned out to be it didn't like the old v1.11 firmware. With other members help I managed to upgrade it to 2.09 and now it connects fine to the app. It is definitely not a Chinese market model. 


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