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I'm thinking of buying a Mten3 - quick question first.


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Thanks guys :)

@stephencheers for the link, the seller is asking the same price as I can get one from ERides but does not post so I'll wait another couple of weeks until they are back in stock.

@shellacI'm inclined to agree with you about buying the higher spec version, I had intended to get the 84V 512Wh version, here in the UK they can be bought for £700 GBP which seems a fair price. To be honest I don't think I've seen the 67 version over here even if I did want one.

On a slightly different not I've just taken the plunge in ordering a Steelbird helmet, I must admit I'm not really a fan of helmets in general although I know it's stupid to ride without. I've been managing without as I'm not really a fast rider and do 90% of my riding over tarmac / pavements etc. Today however its been a really sunny day with no wind so I took my KS16s to a quite country lane to practice better carving and riding at higher speeds. Suddenly carving seems effortless, I've always been able to carve to some extent but always found it felt a bit laboured and unnatural - but somehow today everything clicked into place and I found myself riding much faster and with greater confidence.

Having spend a few hours riding at a more aggressive pace and intending to buy a new wheel shortly I thought it time to invest in some protection. I guess the Steelbird SBA2 isn't the best helmet on the market but I do like its futuristic look and its better than no protection at all :)

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as an owner of (former) 100V monster and nikola, No wheel gets more use in my rotation than the Mten3. I wouldn’t worry about the 18% incline, just don’t power up the hill on low battery (assuming you don’t weigh north of 200 lbs). And it’s going to be much faster than your 16S. Kingsong 22 mph is more like 19; The Mten3 can push 24+ mph with no issue. I weigh 185 lbs. 

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