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Thank you for the support, video included in the post.

Serdar Baş

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Hello everyone; 

I recently created a topic regarding if I should quit or not. http://forum.electricunicycle.org/topic/1548-should-i-give-up-and-quit/

After many encouraging replies to give it a chance , I gave it another shot.

I mean we really got inpatient for everything, we want to have the joy without working for it. We want everything right now.
No one learns skating or skiing in 5 days. It takes time and effort (and some tears along the way). If Eucs were so easy , everyone would do it and it wouldn't be something special. (Like those two wheeled hover boards every kid uses around).

And here is the final result thanks to you all : https://www.facebook.com/nserdarbas/posts/10153061950211822  (First 20 seconds are my childhood favorite hero Gizmoduck with an Euc :) 

For new starters some tips that I discovered by the hard way:

- Tire pressure.. so important. I mean don't even try it with low pressured tires. 

- Padding: Use it generously else you will ruin your EUC. It also helps so much for discomfort and bruises on your legs.

- Hard shoes: You will fall, and you will fall in awkward positions. Make sure your shoes will protect your foot and prevent bending. (I broke my foot due to soft running shoes). You can switch to comfortable shoes later on.

- Don't train in public: Eucs gets so much attention therefore you will just stress out. When you stress out you will do mistakes.

- Circle: The moment that it clicked was when making big circles non stop in a parking space. For some reason , Eucs balances perfectly while turning. It will build up your reflexes faster. (This may not work for everyone , but it worked for me.)


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20 minutes ago, Jag_Rip said:

Do figure-8 instead of circles. trains turning and balancing both ways in one step :)
Good Job! Didnt see the video, since I never click facebook stuff, but thats just me.


Well when you break your right foot , somehow your favorite turns are always circular and to the left :)

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