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Darknessbot Vs. Gotway App - which is correct?


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Hi - 

I'm a newcomer to Gotway so forgive me if this question has been asked...  I've searched and can't find the answer.

Simply put, after a 14 mile ride today Darknessbot App reported 80% of my battery remaining and Gotway App reported 90%.  Both are IOS on an iPhone X.

I have input the proper settings into Darknessbot (84v, 2100WH) and the Gotway App didn't require anything as it recognized the wheel.

If there's a known bug when it comes to battery reporting on either app please let me know.  Since there's no visible battery meter on the wheel (Nikola) I need to rely on the App.

Maybe over the holidays I'll fire up an android phone that I have that's still in the box - but really won't have time until then.

Thanks a lot!

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The two apps used a slightly different calculation.  The app looks at the voltage and calculates the percentage.  Both Calculate that above 83.5 volts is 100 percent. I think one is 0 percent at 63-64 volts an the other is 67 volts or something like that. The Gotway app is more wheel specific while Darknessbot uses the same calculation for all wheels. Because I am heavy I tend to Go with the Darknesbot app to be safe. 


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Moreover, the official apps attempt to present the unlinear battery behaviour (drops faster near 100% and 0%) as appearing to be a linear one, whereas DarknessBot uses an actual linear scale. For the 84V MSX it has appeared that the 0% is the same on both though.

Also, the GW app only reports the percentage with 10% intervals, while DB is 1%.

I would pick the app you’d prefer to use more and familiarize yourself with that battery scale.

Edited by mrelwood
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3 minutes ago, mrelwood said:

Also, the GW app only reports the percentage with 10% intervals, while DB is 1%.

Ha!   I did not know that.  I don't use the GW app enough. So checking the app is no better than looking at the lights on the back. 

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4 hours ago, mrelwood said:

Also, the GW app only reports the percentage with 10% intervals, while DB is 1%.

That is incredibly valuable information.  Thanks so much!  I was wondering why there was an almost 10% discrepancy and that explains it.

I think I'm going to stick with Darknessbot.  I just have to figure out why my alarms and tilt back don't seem to work there.  I have them set in Gotway but need to close Gotway to open Darknessbot.  This may be really obvious and I just haven't had time to drill into the app.  Maybe there are more features when you buy it?

Thanks again -

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3 hours ago, LZMutant said:

I just have to figure out why my alarms and tilt back don't seem to work there.

Modifying the alarms or tiltback from DB is problematic, and just switching the app may change the settings back.

DB has it’s own alarms as well that are supposed to take place in the phone, not in the wheel. But don’t rely on them, the connection will be terminated once the phone display has been off for a while.

Edited by mrelwood
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On 10/15/2019 at 3:03 AM, mrelwood said:

Modifying the alarms or tiltback from DB is problematic, and just switching the app may change the settings back.

DB has it’s own alarms as well that are supposed to take place in the phone, not in the wheel. But don’t rely on them, the connection will be terminated once the phone display has been off for a while.

Thank you mrelwood - I think I have the alarms configured separately in Darknessbot.

One question - what AMP level do you set your alarm?  I recall there's (more or less) a standard warning level for Gotway wheels...is it 80?  I don't remember.

If you know it please tell me and I'll set it as well.

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4 hours ago, LZMutant said:

what AMP level do you set your alarm?

I don’t use the ampere alarm. Either it didn’t play consistently when I tried a year ago, or I wasn’t able to hear the alarms just from the phone in my pocket, and I don’t want to use headphones while riding.

Marty Backe uses 90A as an alarm on the WheelLog for other GW wheels, and a bit more for the Nikola. He doesn’t use it as an absolute limit though, in a sense that he only backs down if the alarm plays several times a second for a few seconds.

I get WheelLog to reach 160-170A every time I go up a certain very steep 50 ft long section on one of my regular rides. But I am noticeably heavier than Marty.

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Cool thanks a lot.

My rides are not coming close to taxing the wheel right now.  I suppose I'll enter in a value of 90 and see if it ever goes off...

I remember when I got my V10F and I thought I'd never ride into the tilt-back.  3 months later I was constantly pushing it and wondering about getting a more powerful/robust wheel...

Just a matter of time.  I figure it'll take me a month or two to get settled in.

You've been a great help!


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