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Ninebot 1 S1 Lights but nobody home


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Hi, I left this wheel for 4 weeks after startng, but now fully charged, it wont roll. I get on it and lean but it just freewheels.

Is there a reset or something ? Thanks, I have hardly used it.

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I have disconnected the battery and reconnected, no difference. I turn it on, the on off switch blinks blue slowly, the app connects (Apple) but it just has no power or inclination to ... go. Fully charged, but no motor or gyro noises....

I am Australia, so not released here, but any ideas on what I can do ? Have sent back box data off to Segway from the app.

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I have put a video here. It should have uploaded.https://www.dropbox.com/sh/avq5xjlcpx2liq1/AAAQX5u-S0ZXc4rs87WUNpfka?dl=0

If it turn the 'Lift Handle Stop' feature off, and lift it u,  then the wheel spins, so there is a motor there somewhere.

Excuse Australia winter footwear.....

Thank you so much for helping



*Lift it up I mean...


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  • 1 month later...

I got a reply from the seller who sent me a new motherboard. I have partly dissembled the A1 and just am not sure if there is another easier way. I cannot find any instructions. Can anyone tell me how to where to find any advice on this ?

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