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Does a 3" wide tyre fit in a KS18L ???


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As in title, ask to owners that has disassembled a KS18L. ..

will fit a 3" wide tyre???.....:wacko::huh:


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Please any address of a direct Kingsong support staff so I can forward this question to ??



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13 hours ago, dieterGRAMS said:

It doesnt need it. The 18l is a great wheel as is. We did some high-speed and trail riding with MSX and 18l yesterday. 18l held its ground on everything. 

Well... Of course it's a great wheel. And I don't doubt your recent experience. But it's not about what the wheel needs, but what the rider wants/needs/requires.

You could also say that the 18L doesn't "need" larger pedals. I can say from 9000km on the same pedals that I do. The control, stability and comfort really are several large steps above the original. For me.

2.5" and 3.0" tires cater for slightly different requirements. We did a long dirt, off-road and sand group ride yesterday with MSX, V10F and a 16S. The 16S "held it's ground" in that it followed us wherever we went. But that doesn't say anything about stability over rocks and soft sandy spots, or the confidence I only achieve with a 3.0" tire.

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