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    KS14S / Tesla V2 / MTen3(broken axle)

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  1. Now i had successfully removed the axle, but I didn't found a replacement in the internet until now
  2. Because the motor wires must go through there is a big hole in one side of the axles. This is obviously the weak point of the axle. I see only two ways to fix that. Welding the broken axle together or order to build a new one
  3. Ok it seems that i can't buy such an axle. Perhaps some company can produce special steel parts 3D printing? I take a look
  4. I jumped from a high curb with the mten3. One side of the axles is broken and the motor wires got damaged. Is there a replacement for this axes on the market?
  5. Danke für den Hinweis. Ich habe mich dort eingetragen. Bitte an alle möglichen Interessenten weiterleiten.
  6. That are my experiances too. 99% of all reactions are postiv or very positiv. 1% of negativ reactions comes from very old men and never from old woman. some of the old woman reacting with fear. i must add ... since im driving the MTen3 i got only positv reactions, even if i drive slowly on the sidewalk between peoples which is not allowed here. i thing the mten3 is more seen as a toy like a scateboard or something like that.
  7. Da bin ich dann auch mal wieder dabei. Diesmal mit meinem neuen Lieblingsgerät mten3
  8. I think this guy is right. if an extra is added it looks ugly and inperfect. there is no need for that. as this guy said the only thing you need is a super capacitor. if a high peek of power is needed the capacitor is used to prevent a instant cut off. in the next step a futher acceleration must be prevented to give the capacitor the time to reload. that can be archived if the wheel slowes down automaticly. if the user wants to lean forward in this situation, the pedals dip in but nothing happens
  9. Yes, related to the pictures the first link is Tesla V1 and the second V2. From my experienece the cutt off switch is very important on the tesla and i wouldnt miss it. What i think is suspicious on the second link is that the 1200Wh battery capacity is not shown. i dont know if a tesla v2 exists with a smaller battery.
  10. i dont think you will have fun with this wheel. above speed 40 kph the wind resistance is very high and the battery power will decrease very fast. you only reach the max speed of the wheel when the battery is 100% full. because of the very small battery you max speed will decrease very fast. see the diagramm from ewheels below
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