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Barrett Roberts

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  1. I actually use mine to walk my German Shepherd Dog. ? He has too much energy to wear him out just using a normal walk.
  2. I’m so sorry to hear this... your injury sounds remarkably similar to the one my brother experienced on his onewheel. His shoulder separated and it popped his lung. I hope you heal quickly. I myself am a boring rider than rarely goes over 10mph.
  3. Thank you guys for the suggestions! I really appreciate it. I’m a bit concerned about how addicted I’ve gotten to riding.
  4. How hot is the jacket made for summer? Where I am the humidity in summer months (which is most of the months) is savage.
  5. LOL well watching my brother have a garden hose shoved into his ribs draining out pink slime puts a damper on things. Just a bit more info. It seems the Delirium setting is the one causing the issues. Everyone that has experienced a similar cutout was in the same mode. Nobody reported feeling a tiltback before a crash that I have seen either. My feeling is they tried to push too hard for performance with that particular mode and ended up making the device unsafe in the process
  6. Thanks for checking up with me! He’s actually home and doing great. I’ve taught him to ride his Kingsong 18s and we have been having a complete blast. Neither of us have ridden the onewheel much at all. I don’t enjoy it as much and I don’t like how it feels compared to my EU We’ve been riding golf cart trails mostly that go up and down lots of hills and over bridges It’s a lot of fun and good practice for when we take them into town
  7. Just curious if anyone rides around these two areas. Would be fun to ride with some other people sometimes.
  8. I was excited about this but that hill video has me a bit concerned. I'm a brand new rider and I have been jetting up grass hills larger than this on my KS18 with no problem at all. In fact riding it around on the grass and dirt hills has been what I enjoy the most. It also seems like the wheel is sort of struggling even when he is getting lined up to try the hill... Maybe it is just my imagination. I dunno but if they are gonna market this as an offroad monster (no reference to the gotway) it's gotta do better than that...
  9. He told me the pain of inserting the tube was probably close to the worst thing he has ever felt. He said he never screamed like that before. Luckily I wasn't there for the insertion.
  10. So, he had to stay a few more days after my last post. They sent someone inexperienced to remove the chest tube. The hole in his side made an audible sucking sound and it collapsed his lung again. Apparently there is a process that must be followed to remove a tube and they didn't do it. After a few days of oxygen therapy his lung reinflated and his body absorbed the trapped air and he came home. His side looks like he was speared. Very mangled looking. I'm somewhat questioning the job they did. The ortho decided not to do the surgery. Unfortunately the shoulder is no longer attached the clavicle so healing will be slow and painful
  11. He should be coming home home or the next day. Provided the lung will stay inflated. Still has a tube sticking out of his ribs at the moment Shoulder most likely will need surgery to repair so that's gonna be his biggest challenge most likely. We both lift weights so that is really going to set him back
  12. Yes he is at MCV and they are fantastic. I'm not just saying that because I went to VCU either ?
  13. Yes. They said it wasn't on the second CT scan today. My theory was they saw a moth flying around in all that empty space and it flew out his ear during the night.
  14. Turns out no aneurism after all. So that's a positive.
  15. I thought about that as well! I'm not sure they can tell if it is recent or been around a while. If I hear I'll let you know.
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