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    Inmotion V5

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  1. I finally got WheelLog-Tizen in the Samsung Galaxy tizen store. If you've got a Samsung Gear Sx just search for WheelLog and you will be able to download and install it in your watch.
  2. Maybe I read bad. Not valid for android watches, only Peeble and Tizen watches.
  3. You need to install something on the watch I have just failed my first intent to publish de app for the watch in Gear apps. Installing from the sources is a little big complex. As a last resort, I would explain how it is done. Give me one week. (at least).
  4. About the SmartWatch Tizen support. It includes Samsung Gear Sx models (S, S2 and S3) I have developed using a Samsung Gear S, so I am only sure that it works for this model. But I have tested the screens of other models (round screens) with success. I have only tested the screens so maybe something else fails. Anyway, it is Javascript, so it should be easy to correct. This is a sample of what is seen on my square screen... The actual speed, the percentage of battery left, and the distance. Both speed and distance in WheelLog units. For me, the most important element is the battery left, since I have an Inmotion V5 with a small battery. The screen remains active all the time (maybe in future versions I understand that it is not needed) I am afraid that Samsung is not very friendly to install programs out of their store... and in order to install de app, you have to obtain two certificates, a developer certificate and a distributor certificate, which is only valid for YOUR device. So installation from the sources is not an easy process.https://github.com/juliomap/WheelLog-Tizen To avoid that process, I am trying to upload the application into Gear store. I have submitted the app for approval, and am awaiting for confirmation. As soon as it is confirmed I will report on this thread.
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