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  1. The foot plates on my monster broke, so right now am using the msuper v3 foot plate And for me they are too small, I experience a lot of foot fitigue that I didn’t experience with the original monster foot plates and I constantly have to adjust. so am asking the Uni community to help me pick the best foot plate for the monster, one that is durable and comfortable, thanks guys.
  2. Am at work right now am not sure The exact brand but it’s a pretty decent one I got from Walmart, it’s also digital, works pretty good
  3. One of them fluctuate between 69 and 70 and the other is A solid 69 and doesn’t change, I think that should be ok to connect but just to be safe I want to get them both at exactly the same voltage
  4. 👍🏿Thanks I really appreciate it, I have one more question as far as matching the two good batteries to the same voltage before I attemp to connect them, would it be best to just charge them all the way to full Then connect them? Am still going to check the voltage before I connect but it seems like that would be the best route to go as far as getting them both to the same voltage
  5. Ok thanks, so I will be safe riding with just two packs instead of three?
  6. I have the 1st monster 2800wh, the batteries are out of it because I had to replace the shell, When I first took them out two of the packs were reading 69v but the third was about 66Volts. After having all three battery packs sit out for about a month or so the pack that was reading 66v went down to around 18v but the other two are still reading 69v. I have no idea why the sudden drop, I never had a prob while they were in my monster, my mileage remained constant
  7. The voltage on my monster battery pack is too low to charge with the included charger, is there any hope for the pack or is it basically trash? 😬
  8. The charger is charging my other batteries. I’ve had all three batteries out of the monster while I was waiting for a part from China, The voltage between the three batteries were pretty close but after sitting out of the monster for about 2 month Just one pack has drained all the way down to where it can’t be charged by the charger which I don’t understand why, the other two packs are pretty much at the same voltage
  9. Has anyone ever had a battery with a voltage reading too low to charge with the included charger? If so what did you do about it?
  10. Yea I would feel much more comfortable getting the voltage a lil close or the same, can anyone tell me how to charge just one battery in the monster? Am thinking just plugging the charge port connector to the appropriate battery connector and plugging in the charger, let me know if that’s the correct way to do it
  11. Am getting ready to plug my batteries back in my monster, I just checked the voltage, two of them showing 70v but the third is showing 67v is it too much of a gap to go ahead and plug them up?
  12. So Why did your Connectors fry, is it because your voltage was different between the two batteries or it was a connection mistake?
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