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  1. I’m saying Lenin saw them as stupid and got rid of them because now they were no use once he had the power. And because they were stupid they went along with it and were killed. Make sense?
  2. Lenin called them “useful idiots”. Then when he got what he wanted he sent them to gulags to die. Can’t say he was wrong...they truly are stupid and only harm society with thier stupidness.
  3. The people defending the govt make me sick.you people are metnailly ill. The govt can say jumping off cliffs is good for you and you morons would defend it.
  4. Good to hear bud! The trick is you want to give as little extra juice from the 2nd battery as possible, so connect for 5 seconds...try wall charger ...then repeat again and hope you get red/green lights on the dead battery and let it sit. Before it would just blink 4 times then die. I am glad someone was able to use my information and it helped. I was surprised it worked myself (I based this off charging my car battery when it died and figured the principal was the same but didn’t see anyone post about using a second battery) and was debating if I should even bother posting since I’m sure some geniuses here are like. ‘Well Duh, that’s how batteries work stupid”.
  5. I think you messed up the battery by 2 things. 1. Reverse charging and 2. charging for hours via this method. I did a parallel charge using a different battery, + to + and - to - and only for a few seconds, less than 5. No,lights ever turned on the dead battery. Then I tested it by plugging in the charger and it started charging. I know it’s too late now for your battery and it sucks but hopefully others can get a Benefit from this. in short...connect + to + and - to - for ONLY A FEW SECONDS then test with the charger. If it doesn’t work, try it again for a few seconds.
  6. I wanted to add I was able to fix my dead battery! I have 2 mini pros and I rode 1 in December and then just let it sit and it would not charge. The other one had a good charge and was full. I took the recommendation of the guy with the wires and connected 2 batteries in parallel. So I took both batteries out. Went to hardware store and got a 10 gauge wire. Then I stuffed a 10 gauge wire into the gold contacts. + to + and - to -. I left it connected together for just a few seconds. Took it back inside and plugged it in and it came back to life! BE CAREFUL TO NOT LET THE WIRES CROSS TOUCH THE gold connectors. quick note, if it doesn’t charge after connecting for around 5 seconds...repeat the process to give it a little more juice, again for 5 seconds then try. Note: when I say “plugged it in” I mean I plugged it into the charger directly . Not in the mini pro. Let it charge for a while before putting back in the Segway,
  7. What is this program thing on the site? Says $40 and younship the motherboard to them and they ship it back with firmware. What is this? Has anyone done this?
  8. Stop electing socialist assholes is a good start
  9. Just wanted to say after a few days I Was finally successful. No matter what I did my android phone (Nexus 6p) would not change the DNS. I used the dns changer app, did manually, restarted...it would just not work and I kept seeing the original server and not Alex's. I then used my Mac along with my iPad. While getting the older file was a little rough (FOLLOW THE video tutorial for downloading old aps), the changing of the DNS was SUPER easy, just goto wifi settings, delete old one and hit save, worked first try unlike my android... Anyways back to 1.17 and am excited to give it a try! Moral of the story...android sucked for this purpose but the Mac worked perfectly. Thanks for the guide!
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