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Merkyu Kyu Kyu

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Merkyu Kyu Kyu last won the day on July 9

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    Georgia - Tbilisi
  • EUC
    Inmotion V11, Inmotion V13, Sherman L

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  1. The name is quite short, simple, and easy to remember. And it seems like a similar name is not used by other companies so when more info will be available across the internet, it will be easier to search and find the upcoming Nosfet products.
  2. Absolutely exciting news. It kinda resembles the Sherman L headlight. I hope the quality will be as nice as Leaperkim and Inmotion.
  3. Some reliable sources said that the E25 is only 22kg/48lbs
  4. This is a slightly modified master pro. Not a new wheel.
  5. Begode has absolutely unpredictable naming conventions 😁
  6. some people are saying that the E25 is the same weight as the Falcon but that's not true! I will not tell the exact number but it's considerably lighter than Falcon.
  7. Inmotion also skipped V1, V2, V4, V6, V7, and V9. That's the usual behavior.
  8. This is no longer a secret so that I will post it here. V5F will be discontinued soon.
  9. Inmotion will release a new version of the E20 with a single wheel, which will replace the existing V5F.
  10. Sherman L - Maneuverability douyin comvideo7390720612253060379 (1).mp4
  11. Leaperkim - Acceleration Assist On/Off An8c8deFr2qqicX1YJtVth48EFLNlzcPZhTwX8jeTO6fXi7kw63eRnAF-gOSoANkqVvJMM366zyn6vr4TKM7jlU.mp4
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