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About Julian-NZ

  • Birthday 05/03/1962

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  • Location
    Nelson, NZ
  • EUC
    S22 - KH 26" Municycle

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  1. Yes. It's best to get a better quality one.
  2. @Gbo I'm interested to see how you get on with your repair. I haven't done anything to my friends wheel as he's been too busy to think about it. You'd definitely need a battery welder.
  3. I have set mine up using a kitesurfing quick release so I can get rid of it quickly if needed. It also has a 'weak link' that will break if a lot of weight is on the line. I really want to slow it down or tip it over so I can grab it if I get the chance. If it's really bad, like I'm going over the edge, then it's on its own! There are always advantages and disadvantages to any system. It's what you are happy with.
  4. I wouldn't call it 'flying off a mountain' when I'm using my S22. More like a quick examination of the ground and the wheel carries on without me! But...... I also fly paragliders and aircraft. They don't count when you are out on the trails
  5. This makes me think that I should go back to wearing a tether again. I did manage to lose mine over the edge after a simple step off. Luckily it was saved by a small tree. There was a very big cliff followed by a steep scree slope. Not sue I would have been able to get down there. It was a really remote location. Certainly a big wakeup call for me!
  6. I'll have to check. I'm not sure if he's 'scrapped' his wheel. He bought his wheel at the same time as me. He just doesn't ride it that much. I'm sure he balanced charged it all the time. He's really disappointed with the cost per km and the lack of help from Kingsong. Over here there are very few people riding EUC's.
  7. One of my friends is in exactly the same problem. He's got four cells that are out of balance. The wheel hasn't done 500km yet! Mine is the same age and has done 8500km so far. It seems to be such a waste, and expensive, to replace the whole pack. I can't find any information on cell replacement for an EUC. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  8. A great idea. I had to get the white ones as I couldn't find them in the blue/harder material in 5x24x7 Thanks for the tip
  9. My rollers are 6X24X7 - I needed 5X24X7 Some good ideas. The reseller doesn't have any at the moment. I finally managed to find some on Ebay but they will take ages to arrive. https://www.ebay.com/itm/143059926149?var=442023665845 @fbhb came up with some good ideas. One of which was using these stainless tubes in the jewellery section of AliExpress https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/4000425098004.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.298.3a1118023q8Hyo&gatewayAdapt=glo2vnm I'm going to see if I can make something whilst waiting for my rollers to arrive from China. I want to ride NOW!! Thanks for the help/ideas
  10. I just checked the rollers on my S22 (non pro) and find that I need to replace 13 (yes.... thirteen!) of them. Where do people usually get them from? I can't use the rollers I used for my own design, they have a 6mm ID not the 5mm ID of the 'official' Kingsong version.
  11. Go for it. I replaced the CNC sliders not long ago. Mine were ones that I designed and then had a friend make. I was glad to have more bearings (less force on individual bearings) but couldn't tell the difference when riding it. But..... It's good to have new components. For some reason I do feel a bit 'safer' (you should see how I ride/fall!)
  12. I probably should have looked at other options but I was quite pleased with the stock one, especially for the price. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000480232772.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.2ab818021urKts One thing that I didn't think about was the weight of the spring. It came with a 550lb spring. Now I have three springs to choose from. The stock 750 (that I've gone back to), a 650 and now the 550.
  13. After nearly 8,000km on my S22 (Not Pro) I'm still loving it. But.... the shock has hard a difficult life. I spend most of my time off road. No massive jumps like 'The Big Boys' (Shibby and the crew) So. I thought I'd service the shock as I do with my mountain bike (that I just don't ride any more!) That's when I discovered it was the same price to replace as it was to service. If you are thinking about servicing/replacing the shock do it. My wheel is now a lot smoother on the rough Nelson tracks. I should have done it earlier
  14. I agree. I've never seen the point of flashy lights on a wheel that is going to live mostly off road on the tracks! I definitely don't want a 'Disco Wheel' like the S19
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