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James Bonga

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  1. I don't have a mten3 but that sounds like the fan kicking in, nothing wrong i don't think
  2. Too late Already sent it back on friday. I managed to connect to the wheel properly this time, i wasn't using the side button, that's why Everything seems smooth now, really enjoying the watch, ty for your work!
  3. From what i can recall, both p22's they sent me were different from each other, if i'm not mistaken one showed up as p22-C and the other one as p22-D. What do you mean by "alarms sounding on standart loader?" I did a quick test ride and i couldn't figure out one thing, when you go to "garage" and you pair the watch with your wheel, everything works fine. But, after turning off the wheel and turning it back on, i can only connect back to the wheel by creating another profile of the 16x on the watch. I'm sure that's not how it is supposed to work
  4. Well , I ordered this one twice https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B08535PMWM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1, the first time it was working but back then you guys didn't have the touch figured out yet so i returned it. The 2nd time i got it, the watch wouldn't boot eucwatch.
  5. I finally got one p22 working with eucwtch, can't believe it After one p8 and three P22's it's done. The one i got was from this store https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B08V8MHZFZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  6. No I followed everything step by step but i'm still stuck. Is there a way to fully reset and start over?
  7. Well, p22 arrived today, but after doing everything step by step, i find myself with a white screen with a yellow square on top Man i wish i kept the first P22 i ordered from amazon. Idk what to do now, need some help!
  8. Perfect, in 2 days i'll update the situation, hopefully this is finally it!
  9. I'll end up ordering the same p22 i returned last month The only thing that wasn't working back then was the touch, but i guess you guys got it figured out now
  10. No, i got the grey version from another ali store, oh well.. I'll try and return this one too I'll order one from amazon.
  11. I'll try another phone as soon as i can, no one else home atm Thanks for the help enaon, i'll post an update later
  12. Man, i must be unlucky with these watches Got a new P8 and on step 1, when trying to load the dafitbootloader23hacked.bin, it stays stuck on 0%
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