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John Jones

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    Abingdon, VA
  • EUC
    KS 16S, KS-18L, Nikola+2700, V11, Sherman

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  1. Yep, them fuckers are **heavy**
  2. I thought this too would affect my riding. I rode 2 16Ss for a year. (42 Lbs) I wanted “more umph” so I got a Nikola2700 (63 Lbs), then 3 weeks later I bought an OG Sherman at 77 Lbs. I thought whoa, 66 pounds! I may have to re-learn some things. She just sits there looking pretty. 🛞😀👽 Then the Sherman, I got used to it fast enough. Couple unassisted starts and it was… AWESOME. 77 pounds really seemed almost like a natural progression. I wouldn’t have believed it possible if you told me going from 42 to 77 Lbs would be seamless
  3. I’m about the same. Brand new v11, so I’m interested in how this works out. I haven’t had a problem with my shocks, but I am concerned about them. Haven’t checked my tire pressure in a while either. 🤔
  4. I seem to have lost almost 30 pounds in the last 6 months, riding around on my “Robot Unicycle”
  5. I liked the 12 year old’s question “Is that a Robot unicycle?”
  6. My Opinion: “half e-bike” is about as bad
  7. OneWheel and Monowheel are both trademarks. Try again 👎👎😀
  8. OB is beside The Point! 😀 just saying hello.
  9. I’m 62 and #OldGuysRule some visual support https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOFO7qQMeqjCyC5K3H319Arjn_V0IsU-V
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